The Disapprovers
Story line came to life sometime on a Saturday in May of 2015. It's hard to tell which Saturday exactly. Saturday posts became a series of photo captions of Renee's critters. Bunnies, cat, ratties and even a hamster.
From photo to photo the little ones became more and more adventurous. They started plotting before we realized it.
With time, their appetite for adventure grew and the rest is history.
All critters are rescues and are being taken care of by Renee Thompson.
They have a wishlist on Amazon and you can follow them on Facebook and Instagram
A young, energetic and adventurous bun. Loves airplanes, astronomy and space travel. Likes to crack a joke when you least expect her. Occasionally enjoys watching and playing football.
Often acting as a "Bunneh In Command", Suzy keeps a birds eye view on her friends anticipating trouble before they get into it. Suzy always stays cool and collected under pressure, like a good bunstronaut would.
Kitty friend of the bunnehs and ratties. Old soul that has seen and done more than cares to remember now. Bruno also keeps an eye on the bunnehs keeping them out of harm's way
Mr. Toes
Veteran of the group and "in relationship" with Abby. Sometimes, Mr. Toes gets called "Major Toes" in reference to David Bowie's "Major Tom". Mr. Toes dreamed all his life of becoming a bunstronaut.
Ratty friend of all the critters. Engineer by heart, loves to tinker with hardware and software. If it can be hacked, he will.
Ratty friend and adventure control specialist. Often acting as copcom ("capsule communicator"). Monitors the expedition members' vital signs, provides relevant info about the movements and activities of hoomins. Monitors all misssion critical systems.
Rescuee from the lab bust.
Past Members
September 17, 2016
The crew ponders their journey and adventures that future holds.
September 10, 2016
In The End, There Was A Beginning
Abby, Mr. Toes, and Freddie watch the view from the ISS, and Mr. Toes contemplates the questions future holds for The Disapprovers crew.
September 03, 2016
The Bun Stuff, Pt. 5
Freddie joins Abby and Mr. Toes in the ISS. Mr. Toes almost gets a heart attack when Freddie announces his arrival by grabbing Mr. Toes' foot. After some good-natured frolic, all three venture to the Zvezda module to consume a delicious science experiment.
August 27, 2016
The Bun Stuff, Pt. 4
Abby and Mr. Toes enjoy stargazing in the cupola. After a long while proceed to deploy their gesture of good will right under the noses of the hoomin crewmember of the station.
August 20, 2016
The Bun Stuff, Pt. 3
The Disapprovers discovered a technical error in their plot line and proceeded to correct it. It turns out that no bun can watch a sunset over the west coast of Africa at 2:30 AM Eastern Standard time. Afterward, the pick up the story line where they left off and move on.
August 13, 2016
The Bun Stuff, Pt. 2
Mr. Toes and Abby enjoy their visit to the International Space Station.
August 6, 2016
The Bun Stuff, pt. 1
Mr. Toes and Abby make last minute preparations for their big vacation adventure. Mr. Toes contemplates the arrival and progress made by the next generation of disapprovers.
July 9, 2016
After The Bust
Everybun catches a breather after the evacuation of critter from the lab. They gather in the wreckage, next to Singularia, regroup and decide how to proceed next.
July 2, 2016
The Bust, pt. 4
The sysadmin turns out to be a decent hoomin and helps the Disapprovers complete the bust. He removed the remaining critters from cages and replaced them with stuffed toys. The crew leaves the lab a little bit ahead of schedule.
June 25, 2016
The Bust, pt. 3
The Disapprovers carry on with the rescue when they discover an additional room with scores of critters they were not aware of being there. When they thought that things couldn't get worse, the sysadmin walks in on them.
June 18, 2016
The Bust, pt. 2
The team commences the rescue itself. They suffer their first mission casualty when Frankie falls ill and dies while trying to release his first survivor of the lab.
June 11, 2016
The Bust, pt. 1
The crew starts the journey to the lab and successfully enters it, through a remote Singularia port in the lab's cleaning closet.
June 4, 2016
The team makes last minute preparations for the bust. They stock supplies, practice retrieving critters from cages and hope to catch up on sleep. Suddenly, their plans change, and they are forced to commence the bust sooner than expected.
May 28, 2016
The Hoist Exercise
In the final push to get ready for the bust, the crew goes through a rescue exercise. They refine the steps and equipment required for getting a bun from its cage. They lose Mila, a great, ratty friend and crew member.
May 21, 2016
The Fed Connection
Zeus and Frankie go a stakeout to the lab and keep a close eye on the activities of the laboratory's systems administrator. They discover possible means of pressuring the admin into full cooperation with their plans.
May 14, 2016
The crew welcomes a new bunneh crew member named Pancake. They get to know her better when Molly proposes a night of playing bridge. Pancake opens up about her past, and the disapprovers include her in their plans for the bust.
May 7, 2016
Zeus and Frankie go a stakeout to the lab and keep a close eye on the activities of the laboratory's systems administrator. They discover possible means or pressuring the admin into full cooperation with their plans.
April 30, 2016
Graceful Lily Nebula Contemplatorium
Suzy, the beloved member of The Disapprovers, becomes gravely ill and dies. The grief-stricken crew goes on a field trip to an astronomical observatory in the southern hemisphere. They reflect on the passing of Suzy and stargaze at the Lily Nebula in the constellation of Ara.
April 23, 2016
Space Burrow
Abby and Mr. Toes go on an excursion to the space wreck via Singularia. Abby does very well during the travel and experiences no adverse reactions. They discuss the possibility of setting up a temporary shelter for the critters they will rescue.
April 16, 2016
Rubbery Recall
Zeus succeeds in creating a remote extension of Singularia in the pot belly stove, in the basement. Mr. Toes takes Abby on a tour of Singularia and they both exit at the spacecraft wreckage.
April 09, 2016
Rounding Error Meditation
The crew is working on a list of shelters and rescues that can take care of the critters after evacuation from the lab. Zeus, Mila, and Bruno snuck out of the house to reach Singularia. Mr. Toes with Frankie and Freddie work on orbital mechanics for his R and R project.
April 02, 2016
Catnip Stogie
The crew is starting to work out the details of a rescue operation to free a group of animals from a test lab. A heated discussion breaks out between Zeus and Abby. Mr. Toes mentions in passing an exoplanet and realizes there could be something to it.
March 26, 2016
The Pot Belly Stove
Molly tels everybun about the place she visited while in Singularia with Zeus and Mr. Toes. Mr. Toes has a strong reaction to her story and gets Abby to help him clean out the pot belly stove in the basement. They discuss the adventure Mr. Toes would like to experience with the help of Singularia.
March 19, 2016
The crew decide to name the mystery substance Singularia and discus 'her' connection with the derelict spacecraft. They muse on the nature of the beings connected with the ship and the absence of any armaments on the vessel.
March 12, 2016
Single Stage to Orbit
Molly, Zeus and Mr. Toes investigate the petrified remains of a crew member of an extraterrestrial space craft. Upon return home, they start discussing their discovery of the craft.
March 05, 2016
Cosmic Pantomime
Mr. Toes convinces Molly and Zeus to enter the mystery substance with him. Molly and Zeus experience being in two places at the same time. They establish contact with the mystery substance.
February 27, 2016
As You Think So You Move
Mr. Toes enters a strange environment where he experiences time dilation fenomenon. He visualizes being with Abby, on the surface, in the most extremely vivid, and tangible way.
February 20, 2016
Not So Silly Putty
The Disapprovers agree to explore a strange substance the discovered at the end of an underground object. Mr. Toes volunteers to step into it and becomes overwhelmed by the completely unknown environment and its properties.
February 13, 2016
Minerals for Thought
Mr. Toes, Molly and Zeus enter the mystery object found at the deep end of the artery. They quickly explore and traverse it to what they consider its endpoint. There, they come in contact with a strange substance and Mr. Toes is tempted to enter it.
February 06, 2016
Head over Wheels
After an encounter with a lynx, Zeus and Mila meet with Molly and Mr. Toes. They prepare to explore a mysterious, tube like object found at the deep end of the artery.
- January 30, 2016 The Corridor
- Januray 23, 2016 Bun Sledding
- January 16, 2016 Mysterious Possibilites
January 09, 2016
Both Sides of the Cross Section
After return from the vet, Bruno and the crew enjoy a long night of watching videos captured by the rovers. They go over the footage showing both ends of the artery the rovers reached.
January 02, 2016
The crew is preparing to head back home when Frankie alerts them to hoomins arriving at the house. Bruno executes a diversion by pretending to get hit by the hoomin's car. He gets taken to the vet, thus giving his friends more time to clean up and cover up any traces of their adventure.
December 26, 2015
To Sample or Not
Molly and Zeus follow the artery sloping down and going deeper and deeper under ground. Molly attempts to carve our a sample from the "artery", but Zeus prevents her. After a confrontation they safely come back to the surface.
Decdember 19, 2015
5 Minutes
Molly and Zeus enter the "artery" and have 5 minutes to explore it before they return to rejoin their crew mates.
December 12, 2015
First Dive
The Disapprovers realize they have some time to explore the "artery" from the inside and up close. Molly and Zeus are preparing to enter the mysterious object.
December 05 2015
Round Rover
Trying to determine where the little opossum came from, Zeus and Molly drop a little, autonomous 'rover' explorer into the mysterious "loofa" tube.
November 28, 2015
Zeus and Molly suspend a little probe into the mystery "loofa". Then a small opossum appear running toward the probe, decides to cut the cord the probe is suspended on and runs away.
- November 21, 2015 Second EBA
- November 14, 2015 Apollo
- November 07, 2015 If they don't....
- October 31, 2015 Squall Line
- October 24, 2015 Movie Time
- October 17, 2015 Itching to Scratch
- October 10, 2015 Sandy Paws
- October 03, 2015 Garden, Sweet Garden
- September 26, 2015 Decisions, decisions
- September 19, 2015 Cardinals Rule
- September 12, 2015 Paws on the Ground
- September 05, 2015 Fresh Breeze
- August 29, 2015 What If…
- August 22, 2015 Hidden in Plain Sight
- August 15, 2015 Off With the Cover
- August 08, 2015 what's the next thing that can...
- Aubust 01, 2015 try and try again
- July 25, 2015 the talk
- July 18, 2015 climbing back...
- July 11, 2015 Hoomin Alert!
- July 04, 2015 down in there ...
- June 27, 2015 into the...
- Jun 20, 2015 The Workshop
- June 13, 2015 The New Crew
- June 06, 2015 Disapprovers And The New Girl
- May 30, 2015 waiting...
- May 23, 2015 Getting Well-er
- May 16, 2015 The Disapprovers
- May 09, 2015 The Conspirators ;-)
May 02, 2015
Suzy, Cleo, Mr. Toes and the tangled web buns weave...
The Disapprovers are starting to plot. Suzy is doing her best to draw their hoomin's attention away from Cleo and Mr. Toes
Apr 25, 2015
Cleo and Mr. Toes - competitive noming ...
Mr. Toes and Cleo get into a competitive noming event when their hoomin brings out goji berries
Image Credit: Hubble Site, The Antennae Galaxies/NGC 4038-4039
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