"What's with this 'artisan lettuce', hoomin? It tastes like lettuce to me. The dill's OK, but the lettuce..."
"Nothing, nothing at all, I thought you would like a fresh snack."
"Hm, you're up to something. What is it?"
"Nothing my foot, hoomin! Oh..., I know, you want us to take the Saturday post, don't ya?"
The silly hoomin clears his throat and waits.
"You're messin' up our routine, you know. It's gonna cost ya this time."
"OK, how bad is it gonna be?"
"Double everything, hoomin. Twice the saaaalads, twice the headrubs..."
"Oh, oh! And the saaaalads better be twice as srispeh and snappeh!"
"Look hoomin, we know where all your cords hang, capeesh?"
- Espresso