Charlie, "Carry on - I'm not listening."
Charlie, "You pest!"
Gus, "It's called 'The first afternoon nap' - you should try it sometime."
Gus, "Hm - do you ever, just once, consider letting us enjoy the dinner bouquet in peace, eh!?"
"Graham Cracker and Mel"
Greetings, Everybun!
It's been a long, tiring week around here. By the time Thursday rolled around, all we wanted to do was loaf. And that's when the crazy hoomin decided to do some chores. As you can see, no bun was hoppy about it, even the hoomin - but that's what makes him so "special."
The V. E. T. received a pic of 'Spresso's right eye and confirmed it is doing well. As much as 'Spresso hated the pic taking, he concurs - by means of improved appetite. So there was more to him leaving a lot of the dinner bouquet unfinished than being simply aloof. Espresso ate less because he didn't feel okay and not because he was growing "wiser."
We are glad Espresso is done with meds and is back to his usual ravenous and disapproving self.
In other news, the hoomin's escape into artsy things continues. "Graham Cracker and Mel" is in its preliminary stages. We're shooting for 36 x 48 inches for the finished piece.
The biggest challenge will be moving past the "analysis paralysis" trap. Which way should Graham face? How far away should Space Bunnan Bit be? How many bunnanas? What about the background? What shades, how many shades? Should there be stars or Spanish Needle? See endless, endless possibilities?
We'll keep you posted!
- Gus