Espresso, "Well, yes that's how I loaf. That little white fuzz sticking up on the left is Charlie, in her loafer, sound asleep."
Espresso, "Yeah, I fell asleep with my mouf in food bowl - there!"
Espresso, "Yeah, that's how loaf and roll. I know - you're jealous - ain'tcha?"
Good evening, Everybunny!
At least my week in the barrel is coming to an end. Next Saturday, the little twerp, Gussy, can have it. I've had it.
My hoomin finished hand-written lesson plan notes at last. It's not really a big deal, but it feels like a big hop to him. I sayz to him, "Now it's time to put the other paw in front."
The good news is, it's another short week for some here. My hoomin put in to have the Friday off. And the Labor Day weekend is one of our favorites. I sense it will involve extra cookies and arting, of course.
Good night, and good luck!
- Espresso
PS: Do you see that red blob? Do you see what it is aiming at? Yeah, we're not exactly sure, either. It could be us, though. And when it turns red, it usually gets a name. Stay tuned.