Gus, "Just for the record, I can be friends with anybunny!"
Rheya, off to start a new adventure.
Charlie, "That's 'Comandante' to you, hoomin!"
Good Evening, Everybun!
Yesterday afternoon, Rheya started on the next adventure in her life. She went back to the rescue to meet some potential forever hoomins. We'll keep you posted on how that goes. If it doesn't work out - she's coming back, and that's the end of the story.
This foster stuff is tuff. My hoomin was all busted up over it, but the original idea was to do what's best for the bunns. As awful as it feels, it's still the right thing to do. And we have fallback plan.
So, Rheya left, and Sadie moved in. Sadie lost her husbun, Cooper, last week. Maybe she could use some peace and quiet? Of course, Charlie thinks that's rubbish, and once again, we had all night assault on the x-pen. I think it was the "Bay of Bunns Invasion" reenactment.
I don't mind the new girl; she seems nice enough. We'll try to have an update on Sadie tomorrow.
Good Night, and Good Luck!
- Gus