We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update
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When the tar pit day is done. |
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Espresso, "Da thump you said, hoomin? V.E.T?!" |
That pic on top is what our daily, "after-tar-pit" routine looks like. My hoomin says that's the prize. Of course, all was going well, until he mentioned something about a visit to the V. E. T. this upcoming Tuesday. It's just a checkup, but I say, "What the thump, hoomin?! I thought we waz friends!?" The rest of our crew feels the same - no surprise there.
But, in this crazy life, a spoiled Tuesday is the least of our worries. When you can't tell anymore what the world will have in store for you in the morning, a trip to a vet is like a day off.
Well, I'm going to enjoy watching my hoomin pick through my "raisins" to collect samples for the doc.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
Friday, May 29, 2020
You smell of elderberries; go away! We're closed for the weekend. Leave the drinks and go, hoomin!
- Thank you, Melissa!
PS: Follow Cinamon and Jake on their FB page at Jake & Cinamon!
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Just keep 'em coming and don't skimp on the good stuff, hoomin. Or you can go from "essential" to "essentially useless" in hop!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Freeway is looking for his forever home and you can learn more about him here.
BORN: 2019
WEIGHT: 4lbs
BREED: Lionhead Mix
COLOR: White
GENDER: Neutered Male
NOTES: Contact us for more information
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
You say don't jump, I say how high, hoomin?
- Thank you, Sunje, and SCHRR!
PS: Zorro and his brother, Xander, are going for their "special" V.E.T. appointment today. Soon, they will be looking for their forever homes and bunn-wives, of course. Zorro is an unapologetic jumper. They were dumped three weeks after Easter at an apartment complex in Tampa and survived on the outside for two weeks.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
If you're having a M*nd*y on a Tuesday, who's fault is that, hoomin?!

PS: Peaches, the sister of Apricot, will be looking for a forever home once she's spayed. At the moment she has a cast on and today is the the cast is supposed to come off! We're keeping our paws crossed for her.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
Monday, May 25, 2020
Wishing Everybun a Safe Memorial Day
Hellos, Everybunny!
Have a bunderful and safe Memorial Day, everybunn. And please, keep it safe! We'll return to the "regularly scheduled programming" tomorrow.
"What's the appropriate way to honor someone's memory?" we wondered today. What was important in their life? Art was vital to the one we remember today. And art it shall be. There's this edible art exhibit coming up, right? Got to do some sketching for that. Maybe a spot of miniature sculpting will do us good? We'll find out.
We'll keep you posted,
- Gus
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Bunday Evening Thumps
Good Evening, Everybun!
Charlie loafed in front of a small cup of some green liquid.
“Dandelion juice?! How did you get your paws on that?” asked the hoomin.
“Friends in high places, Mr. Hoomin. Isn’t that what Spressos would call you?”
“He would,” said the hoomin and looked at Charlie’s cup again. “Is that ..., it can’t be ...” he mumbled.
“An Absinthinie? Well, it should be. I also need something in my paw, like a mini catnip stogie or something. The smoke would snake and rise through my hair. And you couldn’t tell where the dream ends, and I begin.” quipped Charlie. The hoomin furrowed his brows.
Charlie went on, “I think we need a new scene. This whole “gulag fantasy,” the censors, the sweet-n-low, it has to go.”
“Right,” said the hoomin.
Charlie started giggling, “That drinking and smoking in the stories - that’s why they don’t read them to the little kids! Let’s give them something they can use, something educational, like the ‘tragedy of the compass.’”
Charlie sat up and slurped some more of the green stuff. She licked her lips and went on, “Maybe how the compass got faulted for its natural behavior and was forced to fit its three-dimensional nature into a two-dimensional delusion of ‘how things ought to be?’”
She plopped, stretched, took a deep breath, and sighed, “And in the end, the compass gets its revenge. The magnetic field disappears from the planet for some reason, and the solar radiation has its way with the world.”
Good night, and good luck!
- Charlie
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Espresso Charlie and Gus Update
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Commander Espresso, "Hey, muscle, is it safe to step out of the LEM now?" |
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Espresso, "This is nothing like my hidy place under the desk, is it?!" |
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Espresso, "You still owe me a salaaaad tonight!" |
Yes, everybun, yes, we had another successful EBA last Sunday evening. It's getting hotter and muggier now, so we might have the next one when things cool off a bit. When's that gonna be?! No bunn knows. October? November? Will the civilized world survive that long?
And the mosquitoes; I swear they tried to carry away my hoomin. Anyway, we'll try to overbun all this nonsense no matter what. For now, we enjoy every minute of our improvised, daily, mini-bunn-fests. My hoomin is thinking about creating an edible art exhibit for us. You know, like that nanner taped to a wall, but better.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
Friday, May 22, 2020
You touched my bin! Why would you touch my bin?! You ain't right, hoomin!
- Thank you, Susan, and SCHRR!
PS: Apricot along with her sibling Peaches will be looking for a forever home once they are spayed.
They were dumped at an apartment complex along with 5 others. They are around 12 weeks old.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Ziggy Stardust
Yes, yes, hoomin! Go to Mars, and don't come back; it'll be more nanners for me.
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Inexplicably, Ziggy is still looking for his forever home. You can learn more about Ziggy here.
BORN: 2018
WEIGHT: 5lbs
BREED: Dutch
COLOR: White with gray
GENDER: Neutered Male
NOTES: Contact us for more information
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Sunday, May 17, 2020
The Bunday Evening Thumps
Good Evening, Everybun!
Today, me thinks, was a good day to let it go. Yep, all of "it." My hoomin did resting of the lower back, freesia planting, book work, and light yard work. And we are still on for another EBA.
With summer breathing down our necks, we may as well get what we can from the evening before daily storms arrive. Tonight, the Sea of Tranquility will be again in the back yard, under the bamboo stock, where Lagomorph Excursion Module will land once more.
I'll give my thumping foot a rest tonight and save it for next week. It'll be a short one - my hoomin will have the Friday off - but I feel it'll be made up of M*nd*ys.
Good Night, and Good Luck,
- Espresso
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update
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Gus, inspecting the LEM (Lagomorph Excursion Module) after the landing. |
Greetings, Everybunny!
We touched down on the western edge of the Sea of Backyard on Thursday afternoon, a little past 22:00 Universal Coordinated Time.
The landing was uneventful and very soft despite the strong, gusty winds. As predicted, the atmosphere was hot and dry. Gus insisted we have the exterior lights on, because “You can’t go on an adventure like this without some glowy things!” As much as he wanted to be in charge, I ended up as EB-1 and egressed first from the LEM (Lagomorph Excursion Module).
Of course, the “muscle” went there first and prepared the area for our arrival. He set up a secure perimeter and stocked supplies of water, snacks, and an apple.
We were greeted by all sorts of flora, most of if taller than Gus and I! After a quick hop around the perimeter, we chewed on some contingency samples of what I understood to be Spanish Needle, grasses, twigs, and other greeneries.
I noticed at a strange formation far in the distance to the south of us. As wide as a mountain, its green stocks reached into the sky before arching back down to us. I could barely make out the individual strands of that creature, each at least twice as thick as my paw. They rubbed against one another, creaking and swaying in the wind, slowly brushing the blue back and forth. It reminded me of grass, but of monstrous size. The ground around us was covered with its dead leaves, like the blades of oversized hay!
We took it all in, pondered the scenery, loafed, and even had a snack. We let the “muscle” have the entire apple, though. Gus did some of the ponderings from the comforts of the LEM, but in the end, couldn’t resist the thicket.
We’ll keep you posted,
- Charlie
Friday, May 15, 2020
Sometimes I am two buns. Bunny is the nice one. Cash causes all the trouble.
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Cash is looking for his forever home. You can learn more about Cash here.
And thanks to Johnny Cash for the quip inspiration.
BORN: 2019
WEIGHT: 4lbs
COLOR: Black
GENDER: Neutered Male
NOTES: Contact us for more information
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Come out from under that bed, ya hear, hoomin!? What did you curl up like that for? Come out and make me something!
- Thank you Mellissa and Collected moments - Bunnies
PS: Follow Camilla, Sweeney and Melvin on FB at
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
As a nanner of fact these days, it's always quarantini o'clock, hoomin! So, don't skimp on the sauce this time.
- Thank you, Monica!
PS: Follow Peaches on her FB page at https://www.facebook.com/peachesyoknis/
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Hoomin, did you say the bars are open? Salaaaad bars?!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Java is looking for her forever home. To learn more about him and how to adopt Java, visit her page here.
WEIGHT: 4 lbs
COLOR: Black
GENDER: Female
NOTES: Please contact us for more informatio
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Bunday Evening Thumps
Good Evening, Everybun!
We only have a quick update tonight. The hoomin did so swell last week, he got to have some real coffee today! He says he feels like Willson! Right now, he's croaking on about his back somewhere, making impish noises, thinking he can get out of the bunn chores. That's all because he got up on the roof and hoped to patch some leaks. We don't know if he patched any - proper rain is still to come - but he hoped. Maybe he doesn't realize those are two different things?!
I let him have some proper coffee anyway.
My EBA with Gus is on hold right now. It's cloudy, and we're getting just enough drizzle to make things damp and soggy under the oak. Our next EBA window will be Tuesday.
Good night, and good luck,
- Charlie
PS: I sniffed around and looked for any traces of that "Mr. Spressos" nonsense and didn't find any. But, you know, that's like mold - hard to get rid of and liable to come back. Thump!
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update
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Espresso, "Ahhh, there's nothing like teaching an oak stick a lesson!" |
Greetings, Everybun!
My hoomin made good on his picnic promise. We conducted a very nice EBA last Sunday afternoon. The silly hoomin made me a salaaaad and thought I'd be in a mood for noms, but there was just too much going on!
It's amazing what you can hear in the back yard if you quiet down. The breeze, bamboo rustling, bees somewhere overhead, and that crazy squirrel yelling and barking! It was quite the sensory overload. But it all went well. Most likely Charlie and Gus will have their turn this weekend.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
Friday, May 8, 2020
Why, yes. If I don't smell any carrotinis, you're too close, hoomin!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Cinnabon is looking for his forever home. To learn more about him and how to adopt Cinnabon, visit his page here.
BORN: 2017
WEIGHT: 3lbs
BREED: Dwarf Mix
COLOR: Brown
GENDER: Neutered Male
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Mango - the sheepdog bunny
You don't say, hoomin! Somebunny traded your toilet paper for catnip!?
- Thank you, Rondi!
PS: You can follow Mango on her new FB page at https://www.facebook.com/mangobunn/
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Hoomin, I said, "Shaken, not stirred," but I heard you stirring!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Paddy is looking for his forever home, you can learn more about him here.
BORN: 2018
WEIGHT: 4lbs
BREED: Californian Mix
COLOR: White with black
NOTES: Contact us for more information
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why, yes, hoomin! I'll be binge-watching "Days of our Hoomins." You're on in five!
- Thank you, Melissa!
PS: Follow Cinamon and Jake on their FB page at Jake & Cinamon!
Monday, May 4, 2020
Sunday, May 3, 2020
The Bunday Evening Thumps
Good evening, Every Bunny,
Charlie grabbed her pencil, straightened out the sheet of paper with this very post on it, and threw a suspicious look at her hoomin. "This is going to be easy-peasy, right, hoomin?" asked Charlie rhetorically, with a hint of hope. The hoomin nodded silently, staring at the floor, holding his paws behind his back and fidgeting.
Charlie focused on the paper and started muttering as she guided her eyes across the page with the pencil, "If this goes well, you might get your decaf privileges. Maybe even some Sweet’n Low. Weather ... that's good ... yes ... OK ... salaaaaad, yes ..." Suddenly, she looked up at the hoomin and jabbed him with a non-sequitur, "The wheatgrass, it's getting stale. I suggest you get a new bag."
She went back to "proofreading" raising her eyebrow here and there, and shaking her head when she had to "improve" something. Her eraser had no mercy, and every time she used it, she would look up at the hoomin, causing beads of cold sweat to appear on his forehead. "At this rate, she'll cut my water in half!" feared the biped. When Charlie got to the end, she sat up and smiled at the hoomin, "You'll get your decaf privileges, but you're not ready for Sweet’n Low."
The hoomin tried to show no emotions. "Would you like some sugar with your decaf, hoomin? Would you?" asked Charlie. The hoomin winced.
"You can have the sugar tonight, hoomin," teased Charlie. She looked straight at him and, after what felt like an eternity, said, "You can have sugar, but tell me, what did you do with the other two thousand words? Where are they?"
Good night, and good luck,
- Charlie
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update
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Espresso, "Picnic now, hoomin!" |
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Gus, "You said we was gonna go to the May Day parade!" |
Greetings, Every Bunny!
We have the most wonderful spring weather in the past few days. A couple of fronts had passed through, watered all the things, and left us with cool temperatures and the most striking, clear blue skies. This could very well be the last spell of lovely weather until October or November.
Everybun is doing well, and as always, we're eating better than the hoomins.
I heard something about going to the backyard for a picnic. We'll set up an x-pen, use the carrier for hideaway spot and enjoy a nice dinner salaaaad. The last time I had enjoyed the outdoors was years ago when I had bolted from my previous home.
We'll keep you posted,
- Gus
Friday, May 1, 2020
Um, yes, yes; you can have a weekend getaway, hoomin. I've made reservations for you at the closet!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Sundara is looking for her forever home and here you can learn a little bit more about her.
BORN: 2017
WEIGHT: 4 lbs
BREED: Harlequin Mix
COLOR: White & Gray
GENDER: Female
WEIGHT: 4 lbs
BREED: Harlequin Mix
COLOR: White & Gray
GENDER: Female
NOTES: Please contact us for more information.
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.orgThe BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
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