We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Monday, February 6, 2023

Penny and Marshall

"I missed a spot..."
"No, I missed a spot..."
"Oh no, I missed a spot..."

- Thank you, Audrey!

PS: Remember Penny and Dougie?

We have an update on Penny from Audrey!

Penny went speed-dating at the Friends of Rabbits headquarters last month and met some young bucks. She was so sweet as each bunny was introduced and behaved politely. Bachelor #1 was not interested, and they didn’t even sniff each other. Bachelors 2 and 3 were too aggressive and wouldn’t treat her properly. Bachelor #4 was a polite gentleman who waited and slowly introduced himself. After they touched noses, Penny made it clear that she wanted him by grooming him. He closed his eyes and looked extremely happy.

 His name was originally Blanc, but we renamed him Marshall. He’s a big albino Florida white mix who’ll be 2 years old in April. Penny and Marshall had a week’s “bunnymoon” at the headquarters to make sure they bonded before we took them home. As you can see, they are very happy together. Marshall loves to eat and likes to jump up on the couch. It’s fun having 2 bunnies again!


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