We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Saturday, April 5, 2014
Winston and Tina
- What do you want to do today Tina?
- Don't know yet, how about you Winston?
- Stare them down for now. Watch, we'll be getting extra treat in a sec.
These bunnies are experts at bunipulating their hoomins! They sit and look adorable, and, when necessary, even slightly under-fed, until the hoomins bring them treats!
And, Fleetie, it looks like the big bunny is trolling the airways so they don't have to stay in position all the time. I am sure that big bunny ear picks up every fluctuation in the airwaves. I have just got to know which bunny is which. I am hoping the big bunny is Tina. KarenST, I really understand what you mean about the Sphinx, but the big brown bunny is also almost an exact copy of Akhenaton. If these bunnies are sphinxes, there are a lot of secrets we are never going to know.
If not I'll send SPeedy round with a care package of wagg bakes you'll love them,xx Rachel
Golly, these two could teach the sphinx some lessons!
These bunnies are experts at bunipulating their hoomins! They sit and look adorable, and, when necessary, even slightly under-fed, until the hoomins bring them treats!
Well done, Winston and Tina bunnies! <3 <3
And, Fleetie, it looks like the big bunny is trolling the airways so they don't have to stay in position all the time. I am sure that big bunny ear picks up every fluctuation in the airwaves. I have just got to know which bunny is which. I am hoping the big bunny is Tina. KarenST, I really understand what you mean about the Sphinx, but the big brown bunny is also almost an exact copy of Akhenaton. If these bunnies are sphinxes, there are a lot of secrets we are never going to know.
Oh--bun friends! My favorite disapproval comes in pairs.
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