We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bun a.k.a Fuzzywabbit

Don't worry about dark energy. Worry about disapproving energy!

- Thank you Julia!

PS: Follow Bun on FB!!

ALSO: Say hi to Speedy ;-), it's Wednesday, Speedy seriously disapproves on Wednesdays. 


Christine Lea said...

BUN is on FB with his own page- testing toys, teaching Binky-behavior and disapproving!

RG said...

It is Wednesday. Far too late to be worrying. Time to be getting our things together ... The DARKNESS approaches.

Karenstoryteller said...

Wow! Absolutely bristling with epic disapproval! We'd best all scuttle off to do our bun chores asap.

Little Miss Titch said...

Hahahaha well I never Bun is our Star today too!woohoo!!xx Rachel

sallyneary said...

For me, the fuzzy edges soften the disapproval somewhat. Still...

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

"Once on a high and windy hill, in the morning mist one bunn was p****d, and the world stood still."

Anonymous said...

Indeed, my friend. Indeed.

BUN said...

Bristly-NOT fuzzy. RAZOR SHARP.

BUN said...

JUST BEAUTIFUL. Making my human share this on my page...www.facebook.com/fuzzywabbit.

BUN said...

Hop to it. Now HUMAN.

BUN said...

I love you Precious Christine...My strongest weakness...(sigh) <3

BUN said...

and everyday...yes?

Fleetie said...

I'd like to smooch that adorable nosie, and that fluffeh forehead. I'm not sure I'd be allowed to survive the experience, however.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

But, Fleetie, isn't the real question,"Would it be worth it anyway?" Of course, we have all already willed our worldly goods to bunny rescue organizations. So now we can all live according to the injunction engraved on a lovely small wooden box I saw a while back at a local gallery. It was something like, "Life isn't about weathering storms. It is about making sure you have danced in the rain." I guess talk of wooden boxes is a little disturbing, but here in Texas we also have country western music that is often encouraging. "And if you have the choice of sitting this one out, I hope you dance." Some of us can never quite get the lyrics right, but what it all amounts to is - Smooch! And make it snappeh!

Little Miss Titch said...

and if all else fails just give Speedy a smooch!xx Rachel

BUN said...

Jane, My human has much the same philosophy. She has the scars to prove it. Do you feel lucky? Come visit me!

BUN said...

Come at me, Fleetie. I'm Waiting...(Buns hears jeopardy theme)