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Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Peppermint, aka Sassy Lassie
Did I just leave you speechless? Yeah, I'm great at that ;-)
Fleetie, are there any lessons that humans will not soon forget? I haven't seen it myself, but it is going to be my happy thought for the day. By the way, I am not sure about the SassyLassie. I think Mr. Bun was not kidding when he said he was getting low on disapproval. What a cute little mite she is. Anyway, hats off to Kenneth and BHRR!
Yes, Peppermint prefers hoomins speechless, having found through trial and error hoomins have great difficulty talking and doing BunChores at the same time.
In our house, the order of business is: 1. Hoomin gets caffeine (for the same reason that grownups put their own oxygen masks on before assisting children on the airplane). 2. Pets eat. 3. Hoomin eats. Pets share, if they see fit.
I certainly hope that Sassy Lassie's people haven't breached protocol.
Rachel, I think you are right. I am beginning to detect the sarcasm now, but it is subtle. Sally, you get to have caffeine first? Our bunnies have other ways of seeing to it that we are alert and stay alert. Can we come live with you? RG, I think it just kind of sneaks up on all of us.
Peppermint looks like she has just seen her hoomin carry its dinner to the table, WITHOUT having first made HER dinner!
It's like "WTB?! Did I *really* just see that??!! No, can't have. Impossible. But no, I *saw* it! How can this happen?
I'm gonna have to do some SERIOUS Disapproving Of that hoomin!
I'd better think about what I'm gonna do to that hoomin, to teach it a lesson it'll not soon forget! *THUMP!* "
Fleetie, are there any lessons that humans will not soon forget? I haven't seen it myself, but it is going to be my happy thought for the day. By the way, I am not sure about the SassyLassie. I think Mr. Bun was not kidding when he said he was getting low on disapproval. What a cute little mite she is. Anyway, hats off to Kenneth and BHRR!
Thank You for the kind comments, Peppermint can and does bring the Sass ! : )
Yes, Peppermint prefers hoomins speechless, having found through trial and error hoomins have great difficulty talking and doing BunChores at the same time.
The air of disapproval with just the hint of a small all wrapped up with plenty of sarcasm
xx Rachel
In our house, the order of business is:
1. Hoomin gets caffeine (for the same reason that grownups put their own oxygen masks on before assisting children on the airplane).
2. Pets eat.
3. Hoomin eats. Pets share, if they see fit.
I certainly hope that Sassy Lassie's people haven't breached protocol.
My goodness but the buns are getting more sassy lately. Is it the weather? Or have I just not been paying attention?
Rachel, I think you are right. I am beginning to detect the sarcasm now, but it is subtle. Sally, you get to have caffeine first? Our bunnies have other ways of seeing to it that we are alert and stay alert. Can we come live with you? RG, I think it just kind of sneaks up on all of us.
oops that should have read with just a hint of a smile all wrapped up with plenty of sarcasm
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