We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Thursday, March 6, 2014
Maggie Mae
No photographers were seriously harmed in the making of this picture.
(They've managed to scamper away. Eventually.)
But, but.....darkness is spreading over the face of the Earth. Okay, I see the white feetsies and chin, but they are not what I would characterize as a silver lining.
Oh, Maggie I couldn't have tried any more... On second thought, let me devote my entire weekend to fulfilling your every wish, and it's a privilege to serve you.
But, but.....darkness is spreading over the face of the Earth. Okay, I see the white feetsies and chin, but they are not what I would characterize as a silver lining.
Maggie Mae sounds like something out of a country and western film which mean uber trouble coming our way! xx Rachel
Oh, Maggie I couldn't have tried any more... On second thought, let me devote my entire weekend to fulfilling your every wish, and it's a privilege to serve you.
This fine silver rabbit has Cinnamonian qualities. Excellent disapproval to end our week!
"Cinnamonian"!!! The Wonderful Queen Cinnamon is still in effect, making herself known, by creating new words!
It is certainly true that Maggie May is giving us a withering Disapproval.
I don't know what we have done (or what we haven't done), but it must have been bad.
Did we forget to do our BunChores? Or did we do them badly? Hmmm.
Maggie May insists that we straighten up and fly right!
Time to scuttle, I fear!
You beat me to it, Valsainte! What a gorgeous mound of disapproval!
Thank You, I'm sure Maggie would approve of being called "Cinnamonian"
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