We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Friday, July 23, 2021



Donno, talk to the foot! And be careful - there's a fine line between "listen" and "thump."

- Thank you, Chris, and SCHRR!

PS: Aaaaah, yes - Lyla - the double winner for this week. She will be looking for a forever home soon.

Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home:  https://suncoasthrr.org

1 comment:

RG said...

Tickle for a nickle??? THUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!