We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Sunday, April 12, 2015

T-Rex adn Lizzy - looking for forever home

I'm almost ok with you, hoomin. But, but... those ears of yours. All round and funny looking like that. At least one of you had them a little pointy. His name was Spo.... something? ... you know who I'm talking about? Or was he NOT one you?!? ... cause  I only saw one. Hm....

T-Rex and Lizzy are at Rescue Rabbits Rock looking for a forever home.

Rescue is on the web at http://rescuerabbitsrock.com/
and their FB page is at https://www.facebook.com/lisa.redmond.90

- Thank you Erin!

PS: Mr. Bun update will return on M*nd*y ;-)


Little Miss Titch said...

Aww beautiful Sweeties,xx Rachel

RG said...

They'll make some folks a dandy pair! I mean, look at those ears - you will never be out of hearing distance - they will know what you are up to at all times! Sweet!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Am I the only one to notice that T-Rex is sitting on Lizzy's head? He is trash talking potential tar pit workers, and poor, sweet Lizzy who can't hear a thing is just left wondering why she doesn't have a forever home . . . Oh, she was named after that Lizzy . . .well, in that case . . . you just keep her penned down, T-Rex.

Fleetie said...

What adorable bunnies T-Rex and Lizzie are!

I love how one is sitting on the other's head! You bunnehs are so cute!

I hope you find a forever home together very soon, with good hoomins to look after you. <3 <3

sallyneary said...

He is protecting her from hearing stupid things. So sweet.