Now be off and get on with your Holiday bun chores. You don't want Tommie to catch you messin' about, do you?!?
- Thank you Mientje and Tommie
Thank you to every bunny
for all your help!
Disapproving Bun is here
only because of you.
PS: Follow Mientje and Tommie at
A fine Christmas morning greeting - for a moment there I thought we hoomins were "off the hook", so to speak, today. But nooooooooooooooo ...
Merry Christmas to you all,xx Speedy and Rachel
Somehow, I think that these are not the types of Santas that slide down chimneys with happy presents for hoomins...these look like the kind that would have us shovel our own coal (or graphite, or whatever). But they are so cute :)
-Jen (Kohl's mom)
They are sooooo cute. Thank you Ijon, thank you bunnies, and thank you disapprovees for all your fortitude and humour.
What fine rabbits these two are! I'd love to be Disapproved Of in real life by them!
Of course, I'd have to DO SOMETHING to *be* Disapproved Of by them!
Like smooooooch their lovely bunny noses, and snorgle their bunneh tummehs!
Hoppy Christmas, bunnies!
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