We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Monday, February 24, 2014
Speedy, the Ckeeky Himalayan Rex
Look, this is as good as it's going to get for you today, ok?
Speedy! About time! It's a wonder Speedy can take a break from his world-wide antics to grace these pages with such a disapproving pose! (... and without pirate garb.)
Hehehe Hi Uncle Fleetie,Himalayan Rex are a breed in its own right or I suppose a branch off Breed of Rex bred to have the Himalayan Markings, xx Speedy
what a disapproving look my gorgeous cheeky nephew has on his gorgeous cheeky mug. I bet it has something to do with the diet his mamma is enforcing. Poor starving thing is wasting away to bones!
Also, Fleetie and All, thank you guys for keeping all this up post DR. When my day is cat poop, like today, nothing makes me happier than seeing bunnies in the natural habitat: Enthroned and Disapproving in a happy home
Hey, Brandi, I don't suppose you have any idea where Janet2Buns went, do you?
When Disapproving Rabbits stopped, she seems to have disappeared.
I can't help thinking we upset her in some way. And I don't like that idea. She was a great bunneh Disapproval commentator. I have tried to track her down elsewhere on the net, but without any luck really.
It would be great to have her back, explaining to us all why the bunnehs Disapprove Of us!
I'm just asking in the hope that MAYBE you might have any ideas.
Speedy Starving?...no hes just hveing his treats cut back and pellets weighed how ever he has lost a little brond he's down to 4kg about anothe half kilo to go,xx Rachel
Speedy is famous today!
So is a "Himalayan Rex" a breed in its own right, or is it that Speedy's parents were one Himalayan and one Rex?
(Stoopid question, I'm sure, but then, I am a stooped hoomin!)
I have to say, Speedy does look rather stern in this photo! Look at that eye!
"Don't even think about it, hoomin!"
Anyway, Hi Speedy! Nice to see you here! x
Speedy! About time! It's a wonder Speedy can take a break from his world-wide antics to grace these pages with such a disapproving pose! (... and without pirate garb.)
Hehehe Hi Uncle Fleetie,Himalayan Rex are a breed in its own right or I suppose a branch off Breed of Rex bred to have the Himalayan Markings, xx Speedy
I know cheeky! Just dropping by to say hi and check out the disapproving bun :)
Also, can my bun be disappointing too? haha!
Rachel, who is that bunn, and what have you done with my sweet nephew, Speedy?
hahaha that is your sweet nephew Jane just on a grumpy day,xx Rachel
Hey Speedy, is this really you? Must be something like a bad hair day.....
We totally approve of disapproving Speedy! Love ya Speedy!
what a disapproving look my gorgeous cheeky nephew has on his gorgeous cheeky mug. I bet it has something to do with the diet his mamma is enforcing. Poor starving thing is wasting away to bones!
Also, Fleetie and All, thank you guys for keeping all this up post DR. When my day is cat poop, like today, nothing makes me happier than seeing bunnies in the natural habitat: Enthroned and Disapproving in a happy home
Dear Hoomins, we've been at it here for 2 months now ;-) And we could use more disapproval, as always :-)
Why not, if you can send it in that would be great!
Speedy is our most fav buns ever!!! We love their blog!!!
Just hopped over to hello frum Love is being owned by a husky!
Congrats Speedy!!!
I LOVE SPEEDY! He is a great rabbit in the kingdom of Blog and is this all we're gonna get from you mi man? OK.
Look at that CHIN!!!!!!!!
Where are your arms?
Thank-you, Speedy bunny! x
he had to eat his arms to keep up his strength. his mum is starving the poor thing!
dood !! nice ta see ya heer and over ther and bak home N now rite at this place !!!
Oh Speedy, this was the perfect look of disapprovement!
Hi Speedy. Aw you still look adorable.
Sue B
It's Ijon Tichy the Nth's website. So it's him that we Approve Of!
He also appears on here as "Mister Bun", as that is the name of his bunneh.
Remember, hoomins, to send in any Disapprovals you have, so we don't run out!
"A Disapproval a Day Keeps Hoomin Attitude At Bay!"
Hey, Brandi, I don't suppose you have any idea where Janet2Buns went, do you?
When Disapproving Rabbits stopped, she seems to have disappeared.
I can't help thinking we upset her in some way. And I don't like that idea. She was a great bunneh Disapproval commentator. I have tried to track her down elsewhere on the net, but without any luck really.
It would be great to have her back, explaining to us all why the bunnehs Disapprove Of us!
I'm just asking in the hope that MAYBE you might have any ideas.
Speedy Starving?...no hes just hveing his treats cut back and pellets weighed how ever he has lost a little brond he's down to 4kg about anothe half kilo to go,xx Rachel
Hmmm, I have no idea where J2B could be. Maybe we need to put out an all ears bulletin for her!
Hi Speedy, that is a good disapproving look.
Wow! A Speedy bunloaf. I love that disapproval.
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