We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Angel - King of Fairycastle Farm
You think I should make friends with Kitty Willow? Here's what I think!
I'd really worry about getting on the wrong side of Angel. Have the feeling I'd be added to the list of 'the usual suspects'. This is one classy disapproval, a'la Casabunka ;-) I'm shocked, shocked! Hoomins are falling behind on their chores!
In the course of getting Ms. Auntie Jane's estate in order for her heirs, a handwritten note was found. It has baffled her husband and cockatiel, but it was hoped that it would make sense to someone in the bunn community. It goes, "Commiserate with Fleetie, but tell him that laundering bunny linens gives a washing machine a reason to live. They do not break. Even those less enamoured with the ideals of duty and service, do like like to be disapproved of. There can be no true happiness in life without a bunny, not even for your appliances."
No, Fleetie. I am afraid it probably won't, not with what is available these days. I am sorry. I struggle with a world whose growing knowledge creates crummier products.
Angel is a master Disapprover,we love him and Sweetie and the gang,xx Rachel and SPeedy
I'd really worry about getting on the wrong side of Angel. Have the feeling I'd be added to the list of 'the usual suspects'. This is one classy disapproval, a'la Casabunka ;-) I'm shocked, shocked! Hoomins are falling behind on their chores!
We are in the presence of a Rabbit Of Great Authority.
We'd better be on our best behaviour! And when we're performing BunChores, we'd better clean things so clean that he can see his bunny face in them!
We will be sternly watched! And if any hoomin strays from the straight and narrow will be Disapproved Of!!!
^ , they
I don't know who Kitty Willow is, but I feel thoroughly chastised. For existing, probably. Wow -- Angel is one powerful bunn!
Well, Angel, go ahead. Come on and tell us what you think. I'm waiting. Kitty Willow got your.....
We are sorry AJ cannot complete her comment. She, well, never mind about that...
If Kitty Willow is a cat, well The Princess from our House of Rabbits totally agrees ...
Wow. Just....wow. I.....wow.
In the course of getting Ms. Auntie Jane's estate in order for her heirs, a handwritten note was found. It has baffled her husband and cockatiel, but it was hoped that it would make sense to someone in the bunn community. It goes, "Commiserate with Fleetie, but tell him that laundering bunny linens gives a washing machine a reason to live. They do not break. Even those less enamoured with the ideals of duty and service, do like like to be disapproved of. There can be no true happiness in life without a bunny, not even for your appliances."
That's a good point, Auntie Jane.
So now we have established that it died because I don't have a bunny master or mistress to boss me around, and whose blankies etc. to wash!
I guess the next one won't last 10 years either, then. :-(
No, Fleetie. I am afraid it probably won't, not with what is available these days. I am sorry. I struggle with a world whose growing knowledge creates crummier products.
Kitty Willow is a cat and here title in the castle is Princess Willow,there is a whole group of princes and princesses in the castle.xx Rachel
That explains why mine has last 15 years and still going strong,now I know thanks Jane,xx Rachel
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