We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Saturday, February 15, 2014
Newman is not a fan of the paparazzi. Newman is a fan of fresh greens. Newman wants to see THAT, now!
But I"m petrified here. If Newman doesn't dial it back many notches, I'll just be frozen in fear. I wonder if that is problem for a lot of the truly great disapprovers?
Rachel, Speedy, don't leave me here. If you tie a scarf around my eyes, I might recover in a minute or so and we could all dash off to the nearest magic closet together.
But I"m petrified here. If Newman doesn't dial it back many notches, I'll just be frozen in fear. I wonder if that is problem for a lot of the truly great disapprovers?
We are too stoopid to stay frozen for long. Besides- that Newman fella has a LOT of fans, I am pretty sure!
whoa there taking a step back,that is one moody bun,xx Rachel
Rachel, Speedy, don't leave me here. If you tie a scarf around my eyes, I might recover in a minute or so and we could all dash off to the nearest magic closet together.
There's something EXTRA EXTRA foreboding about that look, brrrrr.
What bunderful blue eyes Newman has! I bet he can charm those does!
And look at those luxuriant soft, velvety white loppy ears!
Newman is a very attractive bunny! I hope he doesn't Disapprove Of us too much!
Um, Melissa, the weather suddenly turned stormy here in Tacoma - were you late with Newman's dinner???
Speedy is on his way!xx Rachel
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