Gus, "Yes, that's true. You need a special 'ghost' lens to catch some of those apparitions wondering about here!"
Gus, "Some of those dandelions I put away are trying to come back and get me."
Gus, "Oh, that's just Charlie messin' about with me."
Good evening, Everybun!If you think about it, La Florida has two seasons - less humid and more humid. I think these are the less humid days. Our next cold front is about a week to two weeks away. Sigh.
If all goes well, we'll have a short post tomorrow evening. And we hope you'll stay safe no matter what you decide to do.
We're hopeful that things will look very different come next Halloween. That whole quest for the instructor certificate will be done. One way or another - that part will be done. We'll dust off that scary story we started and stashed away but never finished.
Of course, we're just guessing. Who knows what kinda world we'll have on our paws in a bit over a week from now? With times and days like these, who needs Halloween?
Tonight's arting session will be about a design for the local rescue. It's time-sensitive, and since my hoomin said "yes" to the request, he's holding up the show. But no pressure.
Good night, and good luck!
- Gus