"You need something, hoomin?" |
Greetings, Everybun!
We hope your New Year is going well. Our little feasted, as the hoomin had promised, turned out very yammeh. Of course, without a bit of drama, it wouldn't be a proper Holiday feast.
Espresso decided he was not in the mood for a feast. He ate his raspberry and stopped. Our hoomin freaked out and started checking Espresso's ears. They were warm, about how they should be. Espresso let the plate sit and pulled himself into a load and sat there.
A leaf of mint?
Well; where's the syringe? Which vet is open today? Oh my bun, oh my Bun! What about the meds in the fridge? Should be still good. How about ... how about a tiny, fresh cawwot from the yard?
Don't think so, hoomin.
And so it went on like that. So the hoomins watched 'Spresso and started plotting a trip to the V. E. T.
That's when Espresso started giving it away. First, he stretched out and graciously accepted some headrubs and gritted his teeth with satisfaction. His ears were still warm but kept refusing his treat.
A bit later he was up and about. Stretched, yawned, and hopped to the bin. There he was, sitting and noming hay. After that, he had himself some pellets.
He came around to his veg plate - eventually.
A moody little thumper ;-)
Today we're chilling. A cold front is coming through, so it's nice to home, warm and cozy.
We'll keep you posted,
- Charlie
PS: Hoomin couldn't take his test on Wednesday. All testing went on hold because of the shutdown. Now it's rescheduled to next Friday morning at 8 am. He will try to make the best of it and asked to have the day off from the pits ;-) May as well enjoy the day :-)