We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Friday, November 30, 2018


What do you mean my Cyber Bunday package is late?

- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!

PS: A little bit about Pumpkin,

BORN: 2017
WEIGHT: 3lbs
COLOR: Orange
GENDER: Neutered Male

If you're looking to contribute to a worthy cause this season, The BHRR fundraiser is still going on. Almost 3k was raised. 

Thursday, November 29, 2018


You're not "making a big saaaaaalad" busy, are you? That's the problem!

- Thank you, Monica!

PS: Follow Peaches on her FB page at https://www.facebook.com/peachesyoknis/

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


You can try a bribe but it's still Thumpday!

- Thank you, Kayla!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


We’re getting ready for the big Red guy... Somebunny better show me where my stocking is.

- Thank you Mellissa and Collected Moments - Bunnies

PS: Follow Camilla, Sweeney, Melvin, Oscar, and Norman on FB at

Monday, November 26, 2018


Hoomin, ... you meant "Cyber Bunday," right?

- Thank you, Gabrielle!

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Site Update

Greetings, Everybunny!

Yes, I did step into the last spot of afternoon sunshine on this lazy Bunday. Charlie didn't bother to do her hair all day, and she can't be bothered right now. Gus; well, you know Gus. He's been trying to get his pound of fur out of my duff. What a nice guy!

Our hoomin was the only one working today. He's been grinding away at that last chapter of the test book. Sheesh, we hardly saw him all day. We had a nice, breakfast saaaaaalad and he was gone, hiding at the table, scribbling, grunting, cursing under his silly, hoomin nose.

Well, the night is still young, he might make it.

We'll keep you posted,

- Espresso

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

Greeting, Everybunny!

Yes, the feast was a success, and there was much satisfactory grunting throughout the frenzied noming. The hoomin got out our Chillida ware and started on the treats. We had a Sarx snack with raspberry, mint and carrot garnish. A side dish of herbal saaaalad followed. Once our appetites were all good and whetted, we dug into the big bowls of greens.

Sigh, maybe next year we can enjoy the saaaald together?

Anyway, we hope you properly overdid your feasts.
And now, back to chillaxing and keeping our eyes on the hoomin. He says he will finish the test prep booklet this weekend.

We'll keep you posted,

- Charlie

Friday, November 23, 2018

Minnie and Mini-Me

A what Friday? Oh, you mean a "Bun Friday", right, that's what I though.

- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!

PS:  A little bit about Minnie and Mini-Me
They are a bonded pair and need to be adopted together.

BORN: 2016
WEIGHT: 4 lbs
BREED: Lionheads
COLOR: Agouti/Black

GENDER: Spayed Females


If you're looking to contribute to a worthy cause this season, The BHRR fundraiser is still going on. Almost 3k was raised.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hoppy Thanksgivng, Everybunny!

Hoppy Thanksgiving, Everybunny!

We have commandeered the kitchen today and made hoomin toss us a proper feast. We'll have the full report for you over the weekend, of course.

And no matter how your days is going, remember one rule of paw: more headrubs! I know, we should have a conversion table showing the amount of snorgles and headrubs required as an antidote for certain situations. The moon landing was fake? At least five minutes of snurgling your furry or feathered loved one. Did you get to see your favorite hoomin in the whole wide world?  Extra nose bonks! You get the idea.

And thank you so much for sticking with us all this time.

- Charlie, Espresso, and Gus

Wednesday, November 21, 2018


Did you start on my Carrot-Raisin pie yet?

- Thank you, Ken and Kaci!

PS: Ken rescued Clover from the streets. We reported incorrectly that Clover was a rescue from the Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Psy, Panna, and Cotta


Cotta? Cotta! You let the hoomin follow you. Again!

- Thank you, friend from from South Tyrol!

Monday, November 19, 2018


I don't know. He looked outside, saw M*nd*y and passed out.

- Thank you, Audrey!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Site Update

"Are you back, hoomin? I see the lights are on, but who's home?"
"You've got to snorgle more, hoomin."

Greetings, Everybunny!

My hoomin comes in, snorgles me and says, "At least tomorrow is M*nd*y, things should ease off a bit." Well, he had a short week last week, but some chores took a real bite out of his duff. Well, we will have to "reset the countdown" and forget the rest. Then I saz to him, "How about more snorgles and veg, eh?"

We'll keep you posted,

- Gus

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Espresso Charlie and Gus Update


Greetings, Everybunny!

Espresso has the right idea. Keep the hoomin busy, headrubs all day long! The trouble is, he wants it all for himself. Espresso reasserted his undying devotion to poor little Gus by sampling fur out of Gus's bum. But, ahhh, one day, Espresso will break down and admit he always wanted to be friends with Gus but didn't know how. So I keep telling our hoomins.

In the meantime, some colder air found its way to Florida. Myrtle and Moe found their forever home! They are staying with Bethany, who's been their wonderful foster mom! Congratulations all around <3

We'll keep you posted,

- Charlie

Friday, November 16, 2018

Myrtle and Moe (tbhrr)

"You what? You got the hoomins out of the house for the weekend? How?"
"The less you know, the better, Myrtle!"

- Thank you, Bethany and TBHRR

PS: Myrtle and Moe are still looking for their forever home.

Tampa Bay House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: tbhrr.org/contact-us
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TBHouseRabbitRescue/
Home:  tbhrr.org
Blog: tbhrr.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 15, 2018


You're joking, hoomin, right? No herbs for you!

- Thank you, friend from South Tyrol! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Bunletts (tbhrr)

"I heard them talking about making stuff out of cawwots!"
"Is it true, hoomin?"
"Well, how about a tasting, hoomin?"

What's going on, hoomin? I hear you can make a beverage from cawwots. Cawwotini or something; is that true?!?

- Thank you, Bethany and TBHRR

PS: The bunletts are growing up fast. They will be ready to take over their new forever homes in no time flat <3

Tampa Bay House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: tbhrr.org/contact-us
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TBHouseRabbitRescue/
Home:  tbhrr.org
Blog: tbhrr.blogspot.com

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Sir Cadbury the Cute

Nope, no sir, no ma'am, not moving from my Sun spot!

- Thank you, Dorothy!

Monday, November 12, 2018


That's too bad about that M*nd*y thing. I still expect my two carrot dogs with raspberry garnish in kale buns. And I'll be sitting here at attention, judging you till the treats arrive!

- Thank you, Monica!

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Site Udate


Greetings, Everybunny

Hoomin, I'm pink in one pix and blue in the other. I'm noming the red pill, I mean a raspberry, in the blue-ish pix, so what gives? Did you have a one too many carrotinis the night before? Not enough this morning to steady your nerves? You swine! You didn't bring us any to share!

Anyway, here's what you're gonna do, hoomin. Say "Hi" for us on BunSpace. Then ... study! You bum, you barely hit the books this week.

We'll keep you posted,

- Gus

PS: Later on during the day, Gus issued a heartfelt apology to swines. They have done nothing wrong to be dragged into this.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

Greetings, Everybunny!

We're enjoying a strange, summer day in November because you know, Florida.

It's hot and muggy, and there's something brewing in the tropics. And there's stuff brewing in Broward County, but you already knew that. Well, the plan is simple for today: naps, more naps, noms, and headrubs. The, more headrubs, noms, and naps. Gus is already working hard on his nap, and Espresso doesn't like to work on anything, even naps, so you get the tongue.

We'll keep you posted,

- Charlie

Friday, November 9, 2018

Mozart at tbhrr

"No, it's my weekend to use the car."
"Have you seen that tiny, little violin, hoomin?"

... oh boo hoo, hoomin! My girlfriend and I need the car this weekend. Want me to play you a tiny, little sonata on a tiny little violin?

- Thank you, Bethany and TBHRR

PS: So, the word is, Mozart is quite the escape artist. He breaks out to hang out with Madonna. Of course would make a wonderful, bonded pair at their future forever home.

Tampa Bay House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: tbhrr.org/contact-us
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TBHouseRabbitRescue/
Home:  tbhrr.org
Blog: tbhrr.blogspot.com

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Monet at tbhrr

"Want me to paint you like one of my French bunns?"

"No, I'm not sitting up your nonsense."
So, you paint too, eh hoomin? Takes you two days to do one coat in the bathroom, no?

- Thank you, Bethany and TBHRR

PS: Monet was very quick to figure out all the picture taking hubbub was nothing to worry about and chillaxed. He has such sweet, loving disposition. Monet is still looking for his forever home.

Tampa Bay House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: tbhrr.org/contact-us
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TBHouseRabbitRescue/
Home:  tbhrr.org
Blog: tbhrr.blogspot.com

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Seriously?  You got takeout and got _that?!?_

- Thank you, David!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


OK, bring me your "I Voted" sticker and you can haz a nanner. Or my friend here's gonna get very 'pset, very 'pset!

- Thank you, Rick!

Monday, November 5, 2018


No, no, there's nothing we can do now, it's M*nd*y. It always gets them. You don't have to watch.

- Thank you, Dorothy!

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Site update, low on disapproval

I told him, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

"I know where you live, warden."

"Don't plan on getting any sleep tonight, hoomin."

"Yeah, we made him a cawwot cake. Just an ordinary cawwot cake, you know."
Greetings, Everybunny!

Well, there you go folks, the boys are getting along just fine. The bigger one didn't get his teeth in the smaller one even once this week.  The bigger one saz he's giving up murderizing and is going completely, a hundred percent vegan.

Or maybe he's lost it because he has to work another Sunday, you know.
Have you any disapproval to spare? Last week we didn't do so well with that request.

We'll keep you posted,
- Charlie

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

He he he, you got yourself a cleanup in the in Isle X, hoomin!
You missed a spot!

Greetings, Everybunny!

It's been such a quiet week for us. We are so grateful to have lived through this year's hurricane season without any drama.

Charlie is doing well, hiding somewhere in the art room. Hoomins are cleaning up the living room right now, so I'm stuck in the art room as well. I'm on a little rampage, tearing stuff up, flipping over the water bowl and things like that.

That little far, Gus, is getting more friendly. I'm getting more friendly toward him. I'm losing my edge! Well, once we get back to the living room and dinner saaaaalad gets served, we'll get some pics for you to show off our progress.

We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso