Espresso, "Revenge is best served - with a bite!"
Charlie, "He's gonna be OK, he has to be."
Nebulizer pod
Fluid container and nozzle inserted through a Ziploc bag.
Nebulizer pod with pads and loafer for comfort.
Good evening, Everybun!
Gussy has the evening off, so here we go. Espresso got his first treatment in the nebulizer pod yesterday morning.
The recipe from the V. E. T. is as follows:
1 ml of antibiotic
5 ml of saline solution
Mix both in the nebulizer receptacle.
Administer 1/2 of the mixture in the morning and the remainder in the evening. That comes to nebulizing 3 ml of the solution over roughly 20 minutes.
The treatment is designed for two days, and we have one more to do tonight.
The nebulizer module is made from a carrier with all the openings taped over. The front is covered with a Ziploc bag outside the closing crate. Spresso would rip it apart throughout the treatment when we had it on the inside.
The bag is secured to the crate by tape over the crate wires.
During the second treatment yesterday, Espresso finally settled into the routine of chillaxing in the pod. He would come out mad but not mad enough to turn down a cookie, which is always good.
This morning he sneezed up another big loogie, right on my hoomin's leg. Yes, the blog is in the fridge again. The first treatment today went very well, and the big guy is resting, napping, plotting - the usual. He mumbled something to the effect of, "I have teeth - I know how to use them - and I'm proud of it!"
Of course, the whole experience of constructing the nebulizer pod turned out to be a great adventure in improvisational bungineering. You listen to all sorts of books and accounts about Apollo 13, the construction of a CO2 scrubber from materials and pieces available on the ship, and suddenly you are making a nebulizer pod.
We'll keep you posted.
Good night and good luck!
- Charlie