We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Bindi Loo with Grumpy Cat

We're ready to party. Why are you still here?!?

- Thank you Stephanie!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Hoomin? I'm not happy with the way you combed my hair. I totally disapprove.

- Thank you Elisa!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Matilda and Husbun

It's M*nd*y and all he wants to do is eat and eat and hoomin is still here! Because he wants to nip hay and not ankles! I told him "I'm gonna have to get a new husbun", but do you think he's listening?

- Thank you Alexander

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Mr. Bun - home at last

.... just checking in folks ...

My hoomin went out of town and left me under the watchful eye of my vet.
He decided he could not take  better care of me  than the vet would. I think he was right. If he stayed home, he could not do anything for me better.

Thus I rested and the  staffgot to love on me all they wanted. I think they forget how to speak around me. They would just make those 'ooooooh' and 'aaaaah' noises.

... so here's my leg, slowaly healing. They took another x-ray of it. 
My vet said it won't heal straight, but it will heal.
She consulted with a specialist and as long as the leg is healing and I'm not gnawing on it, I'll keep it. Meaning, they won't have to saw it off ;-)

Finally, I get home and what do you know?!? A willow wreath is waiting for me. And scooter snaps!  Yep, scooter snaps! And Oxbow timothy hay treats. Hoomin even tasted one and said they're ok.

 So, yep, my bones are too delicate to even try anything fancy like putting a pin in them, or a plate around them :-( But a callous is forming and that might be as good as it gets. In the meantime, hoomin is still fiddling with my set up, rearranging stuff, smoothing out anything that my leg might get caught on.

I guess it could be worse. Everything said, nothing keeps me noming down a carrot.
This hoomin he calls 'Ang' (or Angie?, can never tell exactly, are there 2 of them ?!?) grew some carrots in the yard. And they are coming up nicely! Right now I can inhale the whole thing in one sitting, but they are supposed to get bigger!

Mr. Bun

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Yeah, I'm Holidayed out. Need head rubs now, and lots and lots of them...

- Thank you Laura!

Friday, December 26, 2014

X-Mas Day 2 update ;-)

A lot of our friends get to celebrate Christmas for 2 days, 
so let's keep it up for a bit longer ;-)

Suzy - I made sure  everybunny got their proper presents. 
- Thank you Renee! - Follow us on FB!

Sambuca - hoomin tried to trick me into going to bed early so I Santa Paws wouldn't skip  our house. Silly hoomin, I stayed up!
- Thank you Stephanie!

Louie - Hoomin put his presents in my spot. 
Poor thing, I really appreciated those extra pwesents ;-)
- You can follow me at 16 Pounds of White Furry on FB!

Mr. Toes, Suzy and Cleo - we were busy 
inspecting, chinning and noming all our pwesents!
- Thank you Renee! - Follow us on our FB!

From the left.....
Herbie (boy), Bob (girl!), Hemi (girl) & Hudson (boy)
... it took ALL of us to keep the hoomins straight ;-)
- Thank you Lesley!

Mikey - never a dull day - supervised the bunn chores.
No rest for the wicked, .... and I tell ya, they can be so wicked ;-)
- Thank you Gabrielle!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas Every Bunny - Mientje and Tommie

Now be off and get on with your Holiday bun chores. You don't want Tommie to catch you messin' about, do you?!?

- Thank you Mientje and Tommie

Thank you to every bunny 

for all your help! 

Disapproving Bun is here

only because of you.

PS: Follow Mientje and Tommie at https://www.facebook.com/VlaamTommie?fref=nf

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Mr. Toes and the Christmas Eve Post

... good news hoomin.

I just checked the list. You're on it and you can expect a delivery. 
And no, it's not coal.

For you it's graphite!

Mr. Toes

- Thank you Renee!


Look at this, hoomin! This saaaaalad is all mine, and you can’t have any. Look! I’m swallowing it all! There’s none going spare! Especially not for hoomins!

Now don’t try and take any. You wouldn’t like me when I Disapprove. I am a Rex!

- Thank you Fleetie!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Attila the Bun

Well, where are the carrots and apples?!? You said carrots would grow on this tree. And what about the dandelionsicles?

- Thank you Dorothy!

- PS: At times when disapproval seemed like it was about dry up for good, I always thought "at least we have Attila for the Holidays". Crossing our paws, there was always just enough disapproval to carry on :-)

Monday, December 22, 2014

Minnie Mouse

 I don't know how you found me, but I grant no audiences on M*nd*ys. Come back tomorrow or better yet, not at all.

- Thank you Laura!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cleo and Mr. Toes

Can we help you?
... anyyyyyy way, we could try the vertical hydroponic set up. We can work the hoomins just as hard and get more out of them. Maybe we won't have to go through them so fast?

- Thank you Renee!

PS: Follow Cleo, Mr. Toes and Suzy on their FB!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Friday, December 19, 2014


Ammmm, you owe me extra treats for this. And I expect royalties. Carrotin for every view!

Erin says...

I am the president of The Bunny Burrow Rabbit Rescue and wanted to introduce Sophie. Sophie came to us as an owner surrender with severe malocclusion and a very large molar abscess at only approx 11 weeks old. Sophie ended up losing her entire left mandible and lower left molars because the infection had completely disintegrated her bone. She has had 2 subsequent surgeries after the first major surgery as the abscess kept coming back. Our vet had to create a hole in her cheek (through to her mouth) to aide in the healing of the persistent abscess. Sophie has been through a lot in her short little life, but she is now infection free! Sophie still has some obstacles to over come, but she is a trooper and has an amazing will to live! She will also be a permanent resident of The Bunny Burrow due to her special needs.

I took this picture of Sophie after cleaning her cheek where the hole was. When she would eat, some of the food would squeeze out of the hole making a terrible mess. As you can see, Sophie was none to pleased that I had the audacity to clean her! Thankfully this sweet little girl is quick to forgive and impossible to not love! I think Sophie nailed the "Disapproving Bun"!

... Agreed, Sophie nails it!

- Thank you Erin!

PS: Their sites are:
... and on FB: https://www.facebook.com/thebunnyburrow

Thursday, December 18, 2014


Yaaaaaaam! That, that was some gooooood raspberrynog!

- Thank you Stacey!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thurmmie "Tan Tan" Morrison

Your dissertation books are taking over my napping spot. And how about you pick a useful different topic, maybe "Bun Chores", or "How to make a perfect carrotini"??

- Thank you Shannon!

PS: Shannon is an avid runner and started a very interesting initiative: Run For The Buns. Find out more at
 Www.runforthebuns.wordpress.com and www.facebook.com/runforbuns

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I wish those antlers were a little sharper, ... you know what I mean?

PS: Your coal delivery order got doubled ;-)

- Thank you Leslie

Monday, December 15, 2014


Attention hoomins! I'll be you M*nd*y tar pit supervisor. Any signs of insufficient 'snapeh-ness', disobedience or question will be severely disapproved of and punished. Any questions?

- Thank you to Ricciolino and Ricciolino's hoomin :-)

Sunday, December 14, 2014


... did you, did you think you can sneak by like that? Oh no, we got you covered.

- Thank you Renee!

PS: Thank you Suzy for covering the weekend ;-) - Mr. Bun

 Follow Suzy, Cleo and Mr. Toes on FB!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Mr. Bun - Saturday update

We are back and we are freaked out. Trying to stay comfortable and keeping one's wits about is rather difficult. My hoomin is doing his best and he struggles with having to improvise. A lot. Suddenly the realization hits that taking care of disabled rabbit is nothing like taking care of a bun one is so used to. The feeling of inadequacy in everything being done is maddening. We'll do what we can. Next follow up is on Friday. If need be, we'll head for the vet sooner. Especially if the part that is taped up can't be kept clean and dry. Houston in the blind, keep those vibes coming :-)

Mr. Bun

Mr. Bun - back to the vet

I can't believe we're going back to the vet.

.... Houston, we have to.

Back to the vet indeed. Turns out my left rear leg is sticking out to the side and we're not sure what's going on. Mama vet said come back if I'm not at least 50% better in the morning. So here we went.

Later on the vet called. Fracture. Cast for 1-2 weeks. Spending Friday night at the vet. Should be back home by noon on Saturday.

Hoomin says he got me a new bundo, new pee box, pooch pads ( WTH are pooch pads you silly hoomin?!?). Should be all comfy now.

Houston, we sure could use some of those good vibes sent our way.

Mr. Bun

Friday, December 12, 2014


Merry Christmas Every Bun! ... and no, you can't shake the presents.

- Thank you Ken!

PS:  Peppermint was rescued by Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue, where Ken is a volunteer. Peppermint can be found on Bun Space

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Dinner was half an hour late. I don't even feel like  properly glaring in disapproval. Clearly I'm wasting away to nothing.

Never mind the endless Timothy hay, or the little bit of food from yesterday I still had leftover that I spilled on the floor. That isn't fresh enough for me, the Goddess!

Is it Friday yet? I can almost taste it.

- Thank you Alicia!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Mr. Bun and the vet...

I thump in your general direction.

- Mr. Bun

PS: I had to get a check-up at the vet. Turns out he might have some arthritis in his back legs. So we got anti-inflammatory med. And eye drops. And 'sneezing' medicine. And we're grumpy. My hoomin takes it about as well as I do, we're both seriously bummed out. Getting old can stink sometimes :-(

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


This is Captain C. Butterscotch-Noam. If you're watching this, it means we've left the camp and are heading directly due South for the Cinnamon Valley.

The storm destroyed most of our remaining supplies and we are down to a few frozen carrotinis. Hoomins and cats are loaded up and saddled and we'll have to drive them hard, but that's our last chance. See you in the valley. **THUMP**

- Thank you Lexi!

Monday, December 8, 2014


I thought I asked you not to mess about with that thing in my face?!? Do I have to thump EVERY TIME I'm explaining something?

- Thank you Tracy

Sunday, December 7, 2014


- Mikey, what do you want to watch?
- Something black and white, with subtitles.
- Aren't you supposed to be disapproving?
-.... shhhhhh, keep quiet. Maybe they won't notice.

- Thank you Gabrielle!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Bentley the Saint Nick

Coal, that's what you get tonight, my dear hoomin.

- Thank you Samantha!

PS: Since a lot of our friends celebrate St. Nick or Saint Nicholas around this time of year (plus or minus a day or two), we didn't want you to feel left out ;-) - Mr. Bun

Friday, December 5, 2014


... bedtime? ... what bedtime? It's Friday and maybe it's your bedtime, you've got two days of work in the greenhouse.

- Thank you Ocean!

PS: Follow on Ocean on her FB page!

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Liam, Gigi the black cat from Kiki's Delivery Service and Teddy

... today I'm showing him parsley. I'm trying to raise him right, but he grins a lot, got short ears and his fur is sparse.

- Thank you Melody!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


You've gone to dinner without me. You better have some incredible leftovers!

- Thank you Denise!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Ho Ho flippin Ho. Daddy going to get bited ankles for this.

- Thank you Helen!

Monday, December 1, 2014


After you trimmed my nails, I think you deserver whatever that M*nd*y thing can dish out.

- Thank you Monica!

Sunday, November 30, 2014


I decided to be the presider over everything today. Because I can.

- Thank you Renee!

PS: Follow Cleo, Mr. Toes and Suzy on FB!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014


The only place I'm going today is my hoppy place.

- Thank you Tammy!

PS: Follow Scooter on FB!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Hoomin, let's see that list of things you're thankful for...

... and you better have cranberrinis coming. 
Just leave the jug right here.

- Thank you Renee!

Wishing everyone a hoppy and safe Thanksgiving, with plenty of treats and disapproval ;-)

- Mr. Bun