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Gus, "Bite me, 2020, and go back to the hell you came from!" |
Have a Hoppy and Safe New Year's Eve, Everubunny!
Pretty soon, it's going to be a "Bunny Butt Friday" somewhere, so why not start early?
- Gus
Really, now! Buncle Kodiak said nice things about hoomins, did he?!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Sitka and Kodiak are plotting to steal your heart and find their forever home.
Born: 2017
Weight: 9 lbs.
Breed: New Zealand White
Color: White
Gender: Neutered Males
Litter Box Habits: Good
NOTES: Contact us for more information
The BHRR fundraiser is still going on and is over the 3k mark! :-)
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/brambleyhedgerabbitrescue
Go home, hoomin, that's enough bunnananog for one year!
- Thank you, Susan, and SCHRR!
PS: Savannah and Pep are still looking for their forever home. Don't let that bannitude fool you - Savannah is such a sweet bunneh.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
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Espresso, "Holidays - you're paying double time for that, hoomin!" |
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Gus, "We're out of the healthy snackers, hoomin!" |
Good Evening, Everybun!
And "Poof!" just like that, it's Sunday evening. On one paw, it's nice to have the Holidays in the rearview mirror, but on the other paw, this post-holiday letdown is especially difficult. So it's nice to have this almost proper winter break and slow down. We still have the exquisite winter spell going on. La Florida - come for the frozen lizards falling from the trees and stay for the plague.
I sayz to him, "Take a clue from me and put your tucks out, loaf about a little. Brew something hot, look out the window, and if you can't help what you see, don't worry about it - and if you can, don't' worry about it either. The crazy won't go away just because you take a break from it, so what's the loss? And Halloween is only about ten months away; give or take a few sunsets."
Good Night, and Good Luck!
- Espresso
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Charlie, "Well, ya look like you're fixin to complicate something again, hoomin!" |
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The oats, kudzu, willow, with a healthy snacker treat. |
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Espresso, "How about you call me a 'Handsome Krampus' for a change, hoomin?!" |
Greetings, Everybunny!
First, we would like to wish our friends in the UK a Hoppy and Safe Boxing Day.
You know what's funny? We had more fun over the Holidays than our hoomins did! Especially during this 2020 Season. All we had to do is clean up the willow and kudzu leaves, nom some oat rings, and crunch Belinda's Healthy Snackers. But the peasants? They complicate stuff and fret over everything.
One sweet bit of good news, however inconsequential, is that my hoomin found a couple more mini-snickers! He had a couple stashed away in his "art bag."
And don't forget the winter blast we're still having. I don't know if it's cold enough to bump off the mosquitos, but it's nice and almost frosty. Of course, this is great loafing weather, so that's exactly what I'll be doing.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
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Gus, "Well, hoppy thumpin' merry x-mas eve to you then!" |
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Gus, "You'll have to do better than that, hoomin, I mean 'Santa Paws.' The day is still young!" |
Did the hoomin put you up to this? No, I'm not telling you how to make bunananog. You smell like a hoomin!
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Winnie and Stuart are still looking for their forever home. A little bit about Winnie and Stuart
Hoomin, we're making paw sanitizer for Santa Paws from your bourbon!
- Thank you, Melissa!
PS: Follow Jake and Cinamon on their FB page at Jake & Cinamon!
It's M*nd*y, it's you, homin! Yada yada yada! **** *** ******** ***!
- Thank you, Susan!
PS: Gingersnap, Binks, and Maggie May became a bonded trio and all enjoy the bunnlife with Susan. We apologize for bleeping out that one part of their M*nd*y morning statement.
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Espresso and Charlie, waiting for Santa Paws, and waiting, like waiting for "the plane to Lisbon." |
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Espresso, "Raisins, how about I leave him some raising and milk?" |
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Espresso, "Hey, hoomin, you dropped something!" |
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Charlie, noming willow leaves, "Privacy, hoomin!" |
Greetings, Everybun!
Somebun tell me how a short week can feel so long? M*nd*y was a few days and ages ago! Yes, he got tipsy on that one Snickers bar, late M*nd*y evening.
He had this past Friday off, and do you know what he did?! He took us to the V.E.T.! We're all doing fine; it was just the six-month physical because, you know - the First Class Medical check is every six months. We passed with flying colors.
We refused to speak to him until dinner time.
Aside from all that, we're trying to enjoy the unusual spell of cold weather. We had a cold front pass through on Wednesday, with a nasty little tornado, rain, and all the trimmings. We were OK, but it was scary.
All I can say is, let's hope we all can avoid catching anything, and that would make for a great X-Mas.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
So, what do you call two hoomins tied up and stuck to a window?
Kurt and Rod.
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: Coconut is still looking for her forever home. A little bit about Coconut:
BORN: 2017
WEIGHT: 5 lbs
BREED: Florida White
COLOR: White
GENDER: Spayed Female
One cookie,hoomin!? You're trying comedy or something?!
- Thank you, Susan!
PS: Stormcloud is also a rescue success story. She lives the bunnlife with AJ Cannon and Susan.
Why not, hoomin - you work hard for the one-ear-salute, don'tcha?!
- Thank you, Susan, and SCHRR!
PS: Pepperoncini and Savannah make up for pretty small stature with a lot of bunnitude - still looking for their forever home.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
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Peach is a special needs bun, but the missing paw seems to not slow him down one bit. |
You're making bread out of my bunnanas?! On a M*nd*y?!
- Thank you, Susan, and SCHRR!
PS: Meeting Peach in person is a delight! He warms up to you very quickly, enjoys the head rubs and has your heart in a pocket before you know it. Peach and Apricot are still looking for their forever home.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
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Charlie, "M*nd*y's coming again, eh?" |
Good Evening, Everybun!
We decided to keep tonight's sedition, I mean "edition," on the lighter side because Mr. Spressos backed out of the clandestine meeting at the last moment. Maybe it had something to do with the triangular UFO sighting or the Galactic Federation meeting? Take your pick.
Yesterday, my hoomin ventured out on a photo shoot of the rescue buns at Susan's house (SCHRR). Wearing an N-95 mask on the porch, he met four bunns looking for their forever homes and five permanent "success stories" running Susan's castle. The bunch was very generous, some shyer than others, and all craving head rubs and snorgles. The afternoon light was just right and cozy.
Tonight, we will be digging tint our early presents from Sunje and Kurtis of the SCHRR.
The weather is still nice and cool, so between that and a Friday off next week, our hoomin is seeing X-mas lights at the end of the tunnel.
Good Night, and Good Luck!
- Charlie
Oh, hoomin, I'm so telling on you!
- Thank you Mellissa and Collected Moments - Bunnies
PS: Camilla had run-in with the V. E. T. lately, and she's all better now <3
Follow Camilla, Oscar, and Melvin on FB at
Here, hoomin, fill it with cawwots and bananas or bananas and cawwots - your pick!
Thank you, Monica!
PS: Follow Peaches on her FB page at https://www.facebook.com/peachesyoknis/
Hold on. Let her drive away first, then call in the order!
- Thank you, Susan, and SCHRR!
PS: Yep, Peach and Apricot are still looking for their forever home.
Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home: https://suncoasthrr.org
Hey, you, what is it? Hoominitis flaring up again or something?
- Thank you, Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue and Erika!
PS: A little bit about Bradbury,
BORN: 2015
WEIGHT: 5 lbs
BREED: Florida White
COLOR: White
NOTES: Before inquiring about adoption, please review our adoption procedures here.
BHRR: http://bhrabbitrescue.org
The BHRR fundraiser is still going and is over the 3K mark.
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Gus, "Where's that bundo?! Need some motivating, hoomin?" |
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Charlie, "Watch out, everybunny, my hoomin's about to get enlightened - like that guy that picked up a hammer and saw." |
Greetings, Everybun!
We had a whole week of nice, cold weather - it felt downright wintery. Even today is cool, with high overcast and a small chance of rain. If that rain doesn't materialize a few hours, the bundo-building expedition will be on! My hoomin gathered all the materials, corrected the drawings, and the last missing part is a bit of dry weather.
We all could use an easy, fun day like this. My hoomin said days like these are the best for enjoying anything hot: tea, coffea, soups, and everything else you can heat up without having to crank up the AC.
Then he mumbled something about every day being festive and a reason to be grateful, especially when so many are running out of them prematurely. This the Season, eh?
We'll keep you posted,
- Gus
The answer is clearly, "No!" - hoomin!
- Thank you, Melissa!
PS: Follow Jake and Cinamon on their FB page at Jake & Cinamon!
Another day, another excuse, eh - hoomin?! What now? Aliens abducted all the bananas?!
- Thank you, Mel!
Oh, hoomin, you're wrong. I'm giving you the good eye!
Thank you, Monica!
PS: Follow Peaches on her FB page at https://www.facebook.com/peachesyoknis/
Just bring me the treats on a nice plate and maybe I'll forget the last four of your social security, hoomin.
BORN: 2019
WEIGHT: 3 lbs
BREED: Mini Rex
COLOR: Black
GENDER: Spayed Female
NOTES: Before inquiring about adoption, please review our adoption procedures here.