Where's that salad!
The good news is, all system are running OK. No sores, scabs or irritation to worry about. However, there's going to be a bum baf, sigh. And snorgles! I've been getting lots and lots of snorgles.
Hoomin says he has a question, though. The series 'The Disapprovers' is slowly winding down. "Slowly" is the key word here. He's on to putting together the last section. It will be two, maybe four episodes long at the most.
Would you care for any more "bun fiction" on Saturdays? He's thinking about short-short stories, self-contained, about 800 to 2000 words long. The theme would be "X plus Bun", named after the old time radio sci-fi series "X Minus One".
It a tough question, because bun servants are a kind lot to begin with, so the honest, constructive critique might be difficult to extract. Keep in mind that this blog is for you to enjoy.
- Mr. Bun