We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

Imaging from VEG shows two bladder stones and one in the uterer.

Hellos, Everybun!

We are close to the forty-eight-hour mark since the surgery. Charlie had a good night. She loves parsley, and her appetite is making a comeback! She still needs encouragement to eat, but she seems to be better by an order of magnitude than yesterday's. 

She's making some pellets, peeing, and moving around. My hoomin is letting himself think now that she will recover, that this is not just a good fight for the principle of it.
Now, the last few days and even today feel like one nasty, long m*nd*y from hell, but at least we see glimpses of disapproval at the end of the tunnel.

I sayz to him, "Maybe try to catch up on sleep, take a nap between the medication times, and forget the rest." I don't think he could do anything else if he wanted to.

We'll do a better write-up on Charlie's setup, the meds she has to take, and maybe some lessons learned. That last one is going to be tough.

We'll keep you posted!
- Gus


Brenda said...

So glad that she is feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Sounding good! Cautiously optimistic.

Anonymous said...

You’re doing great! Bun is fighting the fight with you. When our 2 buns had metastatic cancer, to encourage them to eat we added very aromatic herbs like dill and basil (in addition to parsley and cilantro). The smell alone made them taste it 😂

Anonymous said...

One of our buns had bladder stones and we needed to “snowglobe” her at regular intervals. Yep 😆 exactly what that sounds like; pick her up, turn and flip her, she peed like a champ 😝

Anonymous said...

Does she have meloxicam for pain?

Mister Bun said...

Yes, she does. We started with stronger stuff initially and tapered it off to Meloxicam to keep her appetite going.