We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Thursday, February 1, 2024


Maggie, "Oh, I can tell you what to do with ONE cookie, hoomin!"

Of course, yes! I make time stand still - it's always Treat O'Clock around me!

- Thank you, Sunje, Kurtis, and SCHRR

PS: Yep, Maggie and her sisters are still looking for their forever home.

Suncoast House Rabbit Rescue:
Contact: https://suncoasthrr.org/contact-us
FB: https:www.facebook.com/SuncoastHRR
Home:  https://suncoasthrr.org



sallyneary said...

I hope someone with an ample supply of cookies adopts all these girls. It’ll be like Little Women!

Mister Bun said...

... in-person they are truly buntastic!