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Saturday, February 24, 2024

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

Charlie, "The peg is out - the cookies are gone - and you don't panic because!?"
Gus, "I know, I'm this good-looking. How did that happen!?"
Espresso, "Tucks in or out - doesn't matter one thump as long as you're loafing."

Hellos, Everybunny!

My dear friend Espresso the Murderizing finished his meds Thursday night and is doing well. Of course, now comes the hard part - waiting to see how well the treatment worked. At least for now, all is quiet on the sneezing front.

In other news, we had a nice little cold front blow through the area last evening and should have another bunderful, wintery day.

If all goes well today, we'll have a quiet loafing day. I think my hoomin learned his lesson and will loaf a bit like the good Bun intended. With expectations set as high as the bottom of my pee bin, he'll be hoppy to get any paint time at all today.

Another thing that happened Thursday night was my hoomin fiddling with Graham Cracker's ear. Something clicked, and we finally had a good feel for the form of that ear. Maybe this is the weekend when the piece comes together!?

We'll keep you posted!
- Gus

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