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Saturday, November 7, 2020

Espresso, Charlie, and Gus Update

The Tuesday Night Feast of Trepidation commences.

Espresso, "Hoomin, I'll trade you some of these for cookies"

Espresso, "Hey! Clean it up, hoomin! Do I look like your butler?!"


Greetings, Everybun!

It feels like ages ago when my hoomin looked at the news feeds. It was Wednesday, at around two in the morning, and the wrappers from mini Snickers were piling up high. My hoomins were ingesting all sorts of sugar masquerading as food. The news blackout is still going on.

I noticed the quality of my head rubs improved dramatically. The hoomin doesn't just sit there, hypnotized by the little, glowing doomsday device, pretending to scratch my hears and poking me in the eye instead. Will it last? For how long? Nobun knows. But it opens up new, interesting possibilities. And you know me - as long as the saaaaalads keep coming, I'm OK with that.

We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso

1 comment:

RG said...

OHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Snickers. Be still my heart!

Batton down - looks like more rain coming that-a-way.