Do what, now?
You're funny, hooomin, you're so funny. Let me see you play in it!
- Thank you, Rachel!
PS: Follow Speedy on his blog at
and on FaceBook at
Oh Oh Oh Oh .... Speedy. Where is one of your classy outfits you so often wear? Too cold to go out without it!
I'll be truthful I was at work this was his daddy trying to be funny to see what Speedy would think of the weather coming down,Had I been home he would have had something warm on,but they were only out in it for a few minutes,xx Rachel
Thank's for Spot Lighting Speedy today,xx Rachel
Rachel, that looks like white stuff. It can't be snow, can it?
yep just a shower,this was from a couple of months ago Jane,Daddy did get a telling off for not putting on a sweater on Speedy but it was for only a few minutes just to take these while I was at work,How is your baby boy?,xx Rachel
Someone needs to fix Speedy some warm carrotini and put down a warmed blankie for drying off his feets.
Thank you for checking on us and keeping in touch, Rachel. I really don't know what to do. Nefer is such a sweet, sweet bunny. He doesn't disapprove at all. I am really concerned about him. I could use some visits from a master of the art. Any ideas?
Sally, I am a bit more worried about what Daddy is going to need, if and when Speedy and Rachel let him back into the house. Those two are a hard lot.
Speedy is such a handsome bun! Looks a bit cold though!!! Brrrr.
I guess you are a wonderful Bunny Mama and I expect you are still in the bunnymoon period,Don't worry when you or Fen do something Nefer disapproves of he will let you know soon enough.At the moment he is happy with his Special home he has with you.It took Speedy some time to start showing what he disapproved of and even now he doesn't do it often...except when we have to go out and we can't take him with us or when we go abroad on vacation,love to you all Jane,xx Rachel
Speedy had a nice warm kitchen to dry off in as the rayburn was on so once he was inside he was soon warm and toasty Sally.
And as for Daddy Jane he got the bunny but from Speedy with a good thump with his thumpers,xx Rachel
It was cold Sharon,but the white stuff didn't stay long,xx Rachel
Oh, thank you, thank you, Rachel. That is so reassuring. Well, we are just going to cross our fingers and wait.
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