We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2014


You really did think you could sneak by undetected, didn't you?

- Thank you Renee!
PS: Emlyn was fostered by Dolly's parents :-)


almtsbb said...

Uhhh... yes. I do happen to have this carrotini with me....

Anonymous said...

Love the Big White Bunnies BWB : )

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Well, E., after a little consideration, I realized my first duty was to go get you a sack load of carrots, no matter what. Sure, sure, I expected to be detected. That is why I had already made up something to say . . . uh, that is, I still had my first duty to think of. Now if you will just accuse, er, excuse me, I'll be right back with those carrots.

RG said...

Emlyn has every detecting device known to rabbit activated and ready - eyes, ears, toesys, nosey, .. you name it. Nothing could move past undetected. Carrots and carrotinis are definitely what the peasant 2-foots must have in their carts today. Spread the word.

Ijon Tichy the Nth said...

Briby nom noms are a must. Much easier to procure than tending to 'mere flesh wounds' ;-)

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

It really makes me wonder. E. was raised in a good home abounding with solid values and loving, knowledgable rabbiteers, and, well hear we are talking about "mere flesh wounds." How does it happen?

Ijon Tichy the Nth said...

Role models. Poor role models. Might have picked it up from here hoomins, too much of 'something python and some grail' or some such. Regrettable, quite regrettable indeed.