We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Prince Dougie
... LEFT ... RIGHT ... LEFT ... RIGHT ... I don't care which way you go, I'll get that fuzzless limb of yours. Unless you got a fresh dandelion to convince me otherwise.
Oh Dougie, your eyes are practically crossed with concentration! How diligently you patrol the byways of your house, meting out disapproval to the hoomins!
Thank you for all the comments about Dougie and his sister Penny; they are 8 months old today. Although entitled by their royal status, they disapprove of wearing crowns or capes. Dougie and Penny do approve of veggies and hay!
I wonder what we have done now. Is "just being hoomin" enough to explain it? Or have we somehow found a new and imaginative way to earn his Disapproval?
I'd totally risk a flesh would from Prince Dougie ;-)
...and the Prince will be able to hear that dandelion coming from a long ways away ... so don't try to fake it.
Oh Dougie, your eyes are practically crossed with concentration! How diligently you patrol the byways of your house, meting out disapproval to the hoomins!
That is one resolute Royal Rabbit. Made me sit up straighter.
As would I, Ijon, as would I ;)
Thank you for all the comments about Dougie and his sister Penny; they are 8 months old today. Although entitled by their royal status, they disapprove of wearing crowns or capes. Dougie and Penny do approve of veggies and hay!
Sally, that is just the mad stare of a bunny who really doesn't care.
AJ, are you saying he's mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore?
No, Sally, I mean the bunn be crazy!
Prince Dougie is a grumpeh little grumpkin today.
I wonder what we have done now. Is "just being hoomin" enough to explain it? Or have we somehow found a new and imaginative way to earn his Disapproval?
hehehehe that is what a rexie does best Crazy!and Yes Jane Speedy is included,xx Rachel
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