How to Help a Rabbit with Gas Pain
Well, I have to fess up, I tried it ;-) Mr. Bun was not fond of it. But he didn't disapprove much either. As log as his foots were touching the ground he didn't mind.
P.S.: We don't have a bun for today, so I thought on days like this, how about videos like this one and/or buns that need a home?
So I think what our site administrator is saying, is: "Send in some Disapprovals already! Or there won't be any more Disapprovals to look at, until some are submitted!" !
I'll try to drum some up later, when I'm at home.
Still, things like this are helpful to those of us with buns under our care. Thanks for posting this!
Well, in this case I can't figure out if this bun is disapproving or not? And perhaps there is some value in posts like this as there is in posting buns in need of adoption. Those have a particularly good reason to disapprove ;-)
Ijon, this is wonderful. I have a lot of people to show this to. Please don't give up this wonderful site. On days when there is no bunny, could you just let Fleetie disapprove? Or course, I think bunnies needing homes getting a little air time is a really good idea, too.
I think the "knowledge" videos and highlighting the buns for adoption are fabulous ideas. Let me get some computer issues fixed, and I'll endeavor to send more disapproval. Auntie Jane's right, please don't give up on this site! The world needs more smiles, buns, and bun disapproval.
I found this super interesting! Always good to know there are ways to connect with your critter, whatever that critter may be, to give them comfort and offer the loving touch. And bunnies needing homes need a voice, too!
I'll try to find some pictures of the baby bunny that grew up in our back yard this summer and maybe I have a few snaps of Champis. I must leave the clever captions to those more thoroughly witted than yours truly.
All I said was please send in some pics.
What Fleetie said, thank you Fleetie! Enough disapproval came in to last through next week! And no one's anywhere near giving up on anything. The funny thing is though, as much as we like to admire all the disapproval, it's one of our bun chores to send it in. No wonder the buns disapprove of us. The disapprovers worn't do it, that's way too far beneath them, they've got all the disapproving to do ;-)
Very informative video, loved it! This might sound like a stupid question coming from a rabbit owner, but is there a way of identifying the symptoms of gas pain? I haven't noticed any sort of uneasiness in my rabbits unless they are constipated, which is always taken care of accordingly.
(I'm the previous anon)
Also I think it's a great idea for this blog to share useful information about rabbits, and also helping the ones looking for a home among the disapproval! I'm glad there's someone like you who's willing to maintain this kind of page.
The most prominent symptoms
of gas are gurgling noises coming from
the stomach, lethargy, decreased
appetite, hunched posture or pressing
stomach against floor, or low body
temperature (under 100oF)
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