We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Monday, January 13, 2014


Good grief, what is that? Another Monday?

- Thank you Rick


Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

I hope it is Bismark's birthday, and he is about to blow out the candles on a carrot cake that was too big to be included in the same photo with Bismark. Or, is that an already leveled city that we see before him?

P.S. Dear Editor, This is ruthless exploitation of a bulldo...I mean "bunny." It is Fleetie's job to disapprove of Mondays, and we all know it. I am sure labor laws are being broken.

Fleetie said...

Well. M*nd*y the *THUMP!*ing 13th.

It wasn't gonna go well, was it?

Personally, I had a truly awful, nasty day today.

I Disapprove Of today. With bells on.

Ijon Tichy the Nth said...

When HMS Hoomin crossed paths with Bismark, events unfolded quickly. Because it was M*nd*y, Bismark was ready and not pleased. By the time Hoomin realized the gravity of the situation it was too late. The single, fateful pellet from Bismark that would sink Hoomin was on its way. In less than a burp, Hoomin was sent to the bottom of the drink.

sallyneary said...

Wouldn't a sensible hoomin prepare for the inevitability of Monday disapproval by laying out carrotinis or nutriberries so that the rabbit would see them immediately on waking, possibly avoiding this level of disapproval?

Ijon Tichy the Nth said...

In theory, but we're dealing with hoomins here, so that's a tall order.

Fleetie said...

Sally : I worry that the problem may lie with your 3rd and 4th words:

"sensible hoomin"

You're been on Disapproving Rabbits and on here long enough to see what the problem is, surely?!

Fleetie said...

^--- "... You've ..."

Valsainte said...

Bismark has a magnificent future ahead of him, perched on Fleetie's desk ready to *THUMP!* off demanding clients and irritating co-workers.

Fleetie, we're all so sorry you had a rotten day -- can Bismark help in any way?

Kelly Moore said...

Oh, Fleetie, sorry for your crappy M*nd*y! It should be Tuesday by now for you, so the future must look brighter. This is when we need to revisit the plan to have Champis come and be your personal bouncer at the office.

sallyneary said...

Doh! I see my error.

Fleetie said...

All I can do is hope that tomorrow (well, today, now - ugh) is less *THUMP!*ing horrible.

That really was a thoroughly disapprovable day.

Bismark kinda sums up how I felt about it: Jaded, tired, unwilling, and thoroughly Disapproving!


Fleetie said...

Auntie Jane, I just noticed you were talking about birthdays. Well today (M*nd*y The Thirteenth) was in fact my sister's birthday.

I really hope she had a much better day than I did!

Fleetie said...

Valsainte and Kelly:

Yes, I really could have used Bismark and Champis on my desk to "Shoo!" and CHASE away unreasonable hoomins expecting me to do work on a M*nd*y!!! How uncivilised!

Those 2 bunnehs would have seen them off, and then I could have caught up on some sleep at my desk! :-)

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Fleetie, I am so sorry about your day. I disapprove! Hope you don't mind me putting on bunny airs. We all wish your sister a really Happy Birthday. I don't know why it seems like you ought to have a twin sister. Is she? Maybe she had such a great day that it drained all the good stuff out of everybody else's day. It was her birthday so I am okay with that. You know if you really want to check on how her day was, you could CALL her. Oh wait, you are a brother. Brothers don't call their sisters. Anyway, have better days. We love you and so do all the world's bunnies.

Little Miss Titch said...

"Tell me why I don't like Mondays Tell me why!"....hehehe...Speedy