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Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Bunday Evening Thumps

Binky free, Katniss - we miss you :-(

Good evening, Everybun!

It's been a quiet, somber day around here. Our friend, Buntie Susan, lost one of her bunns, Katniss. Katniss came down with an illness over a week ago and lost the battle last night. We're just busted up over this. Of course, my hoomin went into oversnurgling mode, and I'm gonna have to wear a wig after all the head rubs.

What else can you do? Take no bun for granted. Ever.

The night is still young, and I reckon arting will go on,  maybe into the night. The dinner salad will have extra trimmings, of course. And if all goes well, I'll have a sneeze-free night.

Goodnight and good luck!
- Espresso

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss, Buntie Susan :( Praying for comfort to your heart.
Binky free up in The Big Garden, Katniss!
-Jen (Kohl's mom)