Gus, "Yes, I have my eye on you - how did you know!?" |
Charlie, "Jealous - ain't cha, hoomin!?" |
Hellos, Everybun!
As you noticed, not much is going on here, at least not on the surface. The war in Ukraine takes up a lot of internal space. It's difficult to concentrate, or do anything for that matter, with a straight mouf, in light of day-by-day, or sometimes minute-by-minute updates from that region. The world seems to hang in the balance before our eyes - again.We're finishing a ground lesson on navigation. A somewhat ironic subject when you try to find your way through a day in this crazy world. There is a phrase air traffic controllers use once they are no longer providing you with radar guidance - "resume own navigation." There's something magical and frightening about it here, on the ground. Resuming own navigation through life is such a messy, life-long endeavor.
The good news is the lesson plans are really shuffling toward completion. We have one more "big one" to develop - on "Human Factors." If you ask me, it should be "hoomin," with a lower case "h." After that, we'll have to write about a few flight maneuvers, and we'll be off to flight practice.
We'll keep you posted,
- Gus
Good luck!
The cuddle picture is especially nice.
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