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Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Bunday Evening Thumps


Good evening, Everybun!

So we had a proper lazy Bunday today. My hoomin is still pretty whooped. Is it the cold, the meds, who knows? He thinks it will take another week to become fully operational. Thump! At least by tomorrow this time, it will be a short week.

On a brighter, hoppier note, we would like to than buntie Susan for looking after us while our hoomins were away. We chinned her every way we could. She served us our salads, and we didn't give her any trouble. Of course, we were prepared for the worst. 


"Look, she's late again!"
"About time, but where are the napkins!?"
"Hongry, so hongry, auntie! Need more cookies. I mean, just look at me!"

It's OK to tumble out into the new year, tucks over teakettle. We can get stable. Then we can float on and through it.

Good night, and good luck!
- Gus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good advice Gus, stability is within our grasp
ken,kaci & the desert warren