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Thursday, October 27, 2016
The Professor
Don't you worry if I'm asleep. I can still hear you!
Had a physics teacher in college who *hated* teaching. He would arrive in class with a slight scent of whiskey on his breath, and in his deep Russian accent he would say, "You are all very bad students. You are all failing." Somehow, this picture brought up that memory today... -Jen&Henrik(Kohl's mom and dad)
Had a physics teacher in college who *hated* teaching. He would arrive in class with a slight scent of whiskey on his breath, and in his deep Russian accent he would say, "You are all very bad students. You are all failing." Somehow, this picture brought up that memory today...
-Jen&Henrik(Kohl's mom and dad)
The Professor looks like a very stern taskmaster. Best to show up to class tomorrow with a carrotini as a peace offering. ken&kaci
.. and no lame "The dog ate my homework" excuses either. This one has no sense of humor.
I suggest making a sofa-size copy of this photo with that caption, as a motivational poster.
I don't think I want to be that motivated.
What's funny about the dog eating your homework?
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