You like the couch, ha. I chined it. It supersedes everything else you did it to it.
- Thank you, Ken and Kaci!
PS: Ken rescued Clover about 10 days ago running around on the street they live on. How Clover got on the run is unknown. Thus, Clover is becoming the newest member of the Dessert Warren!
Thank you for giving bunn a chance!
Thank you, Mr Bun and Homin for making the newest member of the desert warren an internet star. Clover is an unexpected and precious addition to our home. She will grow to be a fine disapprover : ) Ken & Kaci
I suspect that some hoomin put her on your doorstep. Sad, but smart at the same time.
She is ever so pretty and obviously smart, chinning the couch right away like that.
A bunn meets kindness. Thank you so much. Awfully sorry about the couch thing.
P.S. Best Monday Ever!
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