We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Thursday, February 12, 2015


Get your horrible hairless hands off me hoomin!

- Thank you Annie!


RG said...

But Jay, Jay - look at that tattoo. It is a SHOW hoomin. Better than the average.

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Nevertheless, RG, this hoomin is taking horrible liberties with this little bunn. Sad.

Little Miss Titch said...

Now if that was Speedy being held like that he would be off in a millisecond,xx Rachel

Anonymous said...

Judging by the look in his eye, kinda surprised that the hands are not bleeding; Jay has been very patient indeed.
-Jen (Kohl's mom)

sallyneary said...

And those fluffy feets could have done some damage--yes, that hoomin is lucky that Jay is a gentlebun.

Anonymous said...

Rest assured little Jaybe baby is loved immensely and his hoomin has smacked her hands for naughty scoopage