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Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Bunday Evening Thumps - New Year's Eve Edition

Gus, "Yes, have a hoppy this and that. Anyway ..."
Espresso, "Yes, it's my party loafer."
Charlie, "Nooooo, you better not carbonate my nannerinis, mkay?"

Good evening, Everybunny!

We're all ready for the big party and dressed up in "Sunday's best," of course. For me, it means what I wore yesterday and the day before that, and .... 'Cause I do wear it best, and you're all just jealous. And my hoomin? He's gonna wear something to the living room tonight. Or is it the kitchen? I sayz to him, "Good idea - cause it's still cold." Yes, we're having a nice, wintery stretch here. And it makes for a better banishment of the old year. May it get divided by zero! There - I said it.

So, enjoy New Year's Eve, be safe, and we'll be back for a bit tomorrow. 

Now we'll loaf and art some more. The evening is still very young.

Goodnight and good luck!
- Gus

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