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Sunday, May 28, 2023

The Bunday Evening Thumps

Gus, "The greens were super crispeh, and dinner raving yammeh!"
Charlie, "I am the Sky, I am the Bun, I am the Sky Bun."
Espressi, I think they ate twice the crunchy pellets they were supposed to."

Good evening, Everybun!

Everybun is doing their best to loaf and chillax. The only trouble is, my buddy, my murderizer, my friend Spressy, keeps on sneezing. My hoomin thought all was on the mend and we would have a worry-free, long weekend. Now the V. E. T. is closed til Tuesday. So, Spressy will keep getting the 1/4 tablet of chewable baby-Claritin in a blueberry. It's maddening - it truly is.

But, we'll art through it somehow. 

Good night, and good luck!
- Gus

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