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Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Hoppy Easter Evening Thumps

Espresso, "Yes, I wear the frown like a crown."
Charlie, "He gets a little bunnodramatic around holidays."
Espresso, "That's right, I'm still an angel - can't help it.

Hoppy Easter and good evening, Everybunny!

First off, we like to wish you all the best. Second, Gus is enjoying a day off from the barrel. He's hiding and plotting something.

It's gray and cool outside - even raid drops are coming down! It's a welcome break from the heat. Of course we'll need more than a few drops to alleviate the drought - you should see how pitiful the Spanish Needle has been lately.

This morning I did some binkies when Charlie came over. Yes, I binkied! We worked on the painting and had all the crunchy pellets we wanted.

Today I like to think of myself as the Krampus of Spring, the Beelzebun of Easter. But even as a Murderizer Angel, I'm still an angel in my book. And my hoomin's book.

Good night, and good luck!
- Espresso

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