We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Trixie and Rufus


You need to grovel harder when you approach the council, hoomin!

- Thank you, David!


Anonymous said...

You may approach the board human, where is your humble yet falling short offering ?
We Disapprove today, come back tomorrow
the desert warren

merler said...

Leaving this info here, in case you and your bunnies have contacts in Poland:

This twitter account( @kinga_valentino) is one of many coordinating animal rescue in Ukraine. Polish charities traveling to Ukraine need volunteers.

Anonymous said...

From Friends of Unwanted Rabbits facebook page:

"Saved By The Vet on Facebook - If your family is trying to get out via the Romanian border, there is a vet team at Solca/Siret that will help with your pets so you don't have to leave them behind. Contact details are on the page. https://www.facebook.com/dogoodromania/
🇷🇴 Entering Romania -
If you are fleeing or know someone who has, help has been offered for your pets. The animal protection association Casa lui Patrocle supports and offers help for families with pets who enter Romania from the Ukraine via the Sireten. The shelter is located in Suceava, about 40 km away from the Ukrainian border. Link https://www.facebook.com/casaluipatrocle
🇩🇪 Entering Germany -
To Ukrainian citizens who want to leave Ukraine with pet(s) and enter Germany due to the current situation: Please contact at Munich Airport for organisation. The team there does everything possible to get the people and their animals out of there.
Animal Shelter Munich will provide quick help and temporary accomodation for animals.
🇵🇱 Entering Poland -
Poland animal shelter offering help to anyone with their pets. Contact for assistance and temporary housing.
Volunteer Natalia: 518 667 614
Polish officials are now facilitating Ukrainian border crossing for families fleeing with their animals. The whole animal health dossier is now NOT mandatory. Animals will be vaccinated AFTER CROSSING Polish side of the border.
🇭🇺 Entering Hungary -
Hungary has opened borders for unvaccinated and undocumented pets. Link https://portal.nebih.gov.hu/.../magyarorszag-biztositja... "

Anonymous said...

Also, this is a comment left on the Friends of Unwanted Rabbits website:

Enikő Benedek
🇭🇺 To get further help once in Hungary 🇭🇺, please visit the "Saving Ukrainian pets" Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/369562874707496/?ref=share
and rabbit owners are welcome in the biggest bunny community, "Törpenyuszisok" (Although it means "Dwarf rabbit owners", members can and WANT TO help all kinds of rabbits) be it food, hay, medicine, getting your rabbit to an exotic vet etc. https://www.facebook.com/groups/135337536873602/?ref=share