Greetings, Everybunny!
We're having a grainy kind of day today. Our hoomin came down with some infection, felt miserable all day yesterday, and this morning decided to find him a hoomin-grade V.E.T.
Serves him right. That's karma, hoomin, karma I tell ya! Maybe Charlie and Espresso should pin you down and feed you a syringe full of Sarx, eh?
We'll keep you posted,
- Gus
Don't know if Sarx is going to help your hoomin feel better, guys. However, lots of garlic broth and lemon juice might be good alternatives! Prayers for a quick recovery!
-Jen (Kohl's mom)
I had one too - got a lot of pills. I think yours needs some good snorgeling and nose rubs along with the broth and juices!!!
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