We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
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Saturday, December 28, 2013
Oh, don't be silly hoomin. I will not eat you liver. I will plant carrots in it.
Withering, world-class Rexie Disapproval. Someone must have failed to provide Hannes with nice carrotinis to go along with the fava beans — pfttt-pfttt-pfttt-pfttt-pfttt-THUMP!
Yes, he was a vey distinguished-looking bun. I get the feeling, when I look at him in that photo, that I am merely an unworthy stoopid hoomin; not wise like he was.
I love all your comments! Sadly, Hannes is no longer with us, but I'm sure he's looking down us from wherever he is now, and squint his eyes even a little closer... Els
Yes, that wise rabbit face is like a ray of Disapproval in the sunshine!
"Don't you be getting too happy, hoomin! Don't you cultivate ideas that you're anything more than a ninny! One strong Frown Of Disapproval from my mouf, and you'd be burnt hoomin toast!"
Oh Oh ... Keep back 500 feet when eyes glare!
(Commenting today requires opening a new window .. maybe you know that ... might cause some to abandon the effort?)
No hoomin will make it to New Year's if this bun has his way.
Withering, world-class Rexie Disapproval. Someone must have failed to provide Hannes with nice carrotinis to go along with the fava beans — pfttt-pfttt-pfttt-pfttt-pfttt-THUMP!
Great to see Hannes here, he was an utter sweetheart!
PS, I had to open a new window too to read the comments
Yes, he was a vey distinguished-looking bun. I get the feeling, when I look at him in that photo, that I am merely an unworthy stoopid hoomin; not wise like he was.
We hoomins have much to learn from rabbits.
Should have known that buns would be into organ-ic gardening!
You can do whatever you want to my liver.
Did someone go and wake this guy from a sound slumber? Have you no sense?
That fence does not look sturdy enough to contain all that disapproval.
Sally, I fear you are correct. Who would put us in such jeopardy?
I love all your comments! Sadly, Hannes is no longer with us, but I'm sure he's looking down us from wherever he is now, and squint his eyes even a little closer...
No doubt about it, Elsewhere!
Yes, that wise rabbit face is like a ray of Disapproval in the sunshine!
"Don't you be getting too happy, hoomin! Don't you cultivate ideas that you're anything more than a ninny! One strong Frown Of Disapproval from my mouf, and you'd be burnt hoomin toast!"
A ninny...?! LOL!
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