We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Irma Update and Bunn Supply Evacuation Checklist

Adding 2 items to the checklist: Pet Rescue Remedy and  litter box, along with whatever you use as litter.
Bunn people are the best!  One of our friends, Shana Abe, send us a supply checklist if we need to run:

  1. Hay
  2. Food pellets
  3. Drinkable water
  4. Bowls for food and water
  5. Any meds the buns require plus applicators
  6. Lots of fresh, clean towels or blankets
    1.     (you will need to replace them as the buns pee on them)
  7. Favorite toys
  8. Treats
  9. Carriers
    1.     and, if there is room, cages or Xpens in case there is no rabbit-friendly area where you end up, and you don't want them spending days and days inside their carriers. 
  10.  Pet Rescue Remedy
  11.  Litter box, along with whatever you use as litter
I would make sure to bring more hay, food, and water than you think you'll need, just in case.

Also trash bags (for storing the dirty blankets/towels) and paper towels, which are just generally useful.

Simply having a checklist like this helps a lot.

So far we are preparing to ride it out. If we have to run, we will. We'll know more, and we'll keep you posted.

- Thank you, Shana!

PS: Latest track:

6th of Sept., around midnight. The track looks a bit better for us in Tampa Bay. Trouble is, at 8 PM on Sunday it's still supposed to be Category 4 system.

11 AM on the 6th of Sept.

5 AM on the 6th of Sept.

11 PM on the 5 of Sept.


Anonymous said...

Great list! One thing you might want to add: Rescue Remedy. Not everyone has found it to be helpful, but sometimes it seems to be just what an anxious bunny (and hoomin!) needs :)= A few drops on the hoomin's paw, then pet the bunny's ears, and viola!
-Jen (Kohl's mom)

Mister Bun said...

Sounds pretty good. That's exactly what we've been wondering about, but what is 'Rescue Remedy'? Is this it? https://smile.amazon.com/Bach-Original-Natural-Essence-Dropper/dp/B000RFTCZW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1504713031&sr=8-1-spons&keywords=rescue%2Bremedy&th=1

Anonymous said...

Yup! It's a 'flower essence' remedy :) They have a special blend for pets as well. No worries :)
-Jen (Kohl's mom)

Mister Bun said...

Indeed, here's the PET formula: https://www.amazon.com/Bach-Pet-Rescue-Remedy-10/dp/B00DSNTZ2U/ref=sr_1_17_s_it?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1504714705&sr=1-17&keywords=rescue%2Bremedy+for+pets

RG said...

Oh that is great. Keep us posted. It is frightening.

Where we live in NW Washington we have the sky filled with smoke from so many mountain forest fires it is like a science fiction movie. Also quite warm so everyone with house bunnys taking extra precautions too.