We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!

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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Extra! The Dolly Effect.

When I asked Dolly for a pix a few days ago, she send one and then implored all her friends to like Disapproving Bun on FB. Within few days it got over 500 likes and hoomins started sharing disapproval. My hoomin almost fainted. Before Dolly's  help, we had maybe 2 posts worth of disapproval, not much at all (I'd say disapproval down to 1%). 

The gravity of the situation was serious ;-) I wonder what would have happened otherwise. I tell you it looked incredibly dark right before the Dolly post.

We have 'like' button now and it feels like we got a new lease on life here.
As we talked about it before, I feel the blog is the 'disapproval blog of record' for multitudes of reason.

That said, I like to say THANK YOU DOLLY again ;-)

- Mr. Bun


Fleetie said...

Dolly is only a little girl, but she has Great Influence! When she speaks, buns and even some hoomins prick up their ears and start listening to what Dolly has to say!

(Well, hoomins have stoopid little ears, and they can't prick up their ears.)

Dolly is a Very Important Bun! <3

Kelly Moore said...

Hooray for Dolly! Great disapproval comes in small, adorable packages.

Oh, and wishing you a fabulous M*nd*y, Fleetie - I believe it lies within the realm of possibility!

sallyneary said...

It is obvious that Dolly is a Senior Disapprover who can show any junior bun the ropes.

Valsainte said...

The Bun Mafia hit team of Dolly and Toes knows How to Get Things Done! The world needed a Mutual Disapproval Society, and now we have one.

Mr. Bun, please give your poor hoomin extra *nose bonks* -- this social networking stuff takes a lot of time and effort.

Fleetie said...

Kelly, thank-you for your wishes!

However, I fear that M*nd*ys do not yield so easily. However, we shall see!

Meanwhile: *THUMP!* <-- That's for you, M*nd*y!

I hope everyone else manages to have a nice day, though!

Auntie Jane (It is official!) said...

Especially our little bunn friends.