Greetings, Everybun!
There you go, my cleanup time with parsley, raspberries, and headrubs. OK, you can't see the headrubs there, but they were plentiful. Hoomin said the morning sun was shining through the door just right so he made the chores into a little art project, sigh...
I had a nice, easy week and I expect more of the same. Hoomin's worried about me, though. His tar pits commute will be long starting M*nd*y with no end in sight, meaning he won't be able to check on me at lunch time like he used to. Cross your paws for us, pwetty pwease, sigh ...
- Mr. Bun
Aww don't worry I am sure Speedy will hop on over to check in on you,xx Rachel
Oh right, "cross your paws." Cross your paws the place is still in one piece when he gets home.
Ugh--the long commute, bane of pets and humans everywhere! Leave plenty of treats.
We are so sorry. Days are really tough without bunny breaks. Maybe Mr. Bun will start taking extra long naps. Emerson, if unannoyed, will sleep all through the day. We are keeping all paws crossed.
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