We gratefully acknowledge the original 'Disapproving Rabbits' website, that inspired this site, and its creators, Sharon, Bill, Cinnamon, and Dougal. Without you, we would not be here. We Approve Of You!
If only hoomins were as easy to love as carrot tops, eh, Mister Bun?!
Carrot tops don't disappoint like hoomins do. You don't get carrot tops with too much attitude. You don't get carrot tops that are late with breakfast. Carrot tops don't put a stop to your domestic "redecoration" projects. Carrot tops don't think they own the place, rather than you.
If only hoomins could be as good as carrot tops....
Oooooo yummy!I so need some of those,xx Speedy
If only hoomins were as easy to love as carrot tops, eh, Mister Bun?!
Carrot tops don't disappoint like hoomins do. You don't get carrot tops with too much attitude. You don't get carrot tops that are late with breakfast. Carrot tops don't put a stop to your domestic "redecoration" projects. Carrot tops don't think they own the place, rather than you.
If only hoomins could be as good as carrot tops....
Is it just me, or does Mister Bun appear to be velveteen?
Me thinks Mr. Bun is enjoying his carrot top so much he vibrates and it's hard to tell if he's a particle or a wave at that moment ;-)
Yes, and he can Disapprove Of you from TWO places at the same time.
(See "the Bun's Slits experiment".)
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