Slow news week on the bonding plateau. Our hoomins like to think that we're making ever so slight progress, but in the end, it's going to take however long it's going to take.
Now for something completely different, Latte and I developed a particular working understanding with our hoomins about our sleeping arrangement. We have a crash pad next to their bed, and that's where we like to stay at night. It's easier for the hoomin to administer headrubs in the middle of the night. All he has to do is drop his hairless paw our of bed, and there we are. The deal is no chewing on the 1950's era sheetrock until 6 AM, and we're good.
We'll keep you posted,
- Espresso
No new sheetrock for you? Shame. You must be working them too hard.
Sounds like a sensible compromise to me.
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